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Explanations or Taunting

Ok every time The Flea(EX) has our son on the weekend, the flea feels the need to explain or taunt me by telling me what, or where him and his new found family is going. I of course get mad and then start feeling sorry for myself. Since I no longer can do those things with our kids. He gets to take our son out of town every other weekend with Big Foot and her son.

So yesterday I was thinking is he really doing this because he just wants me to know what our son is going to do or to taunt me and throw it on my face "Look What I am doing"

Do I really need to know what he is doing? Does he really think I need to know where he and big foot are taking my son? I feel like he is trying too hard to throw his happiness in my face. He comes and starts talking about how happy he is now. How wonder his life is now? How the divorce was the best thing that has happened to him? But when I try to tell him how things are with me, his answers to me are I just don't care. Why do I care? I don't care.

So my question is do you ladies things he is really happy or is trying too hard to make me believe it? Is he trying to throw his happiness in my face for a reason or I am just reading too much into this?

Don't get me wrong I really don't care what goes on in his life, I just wish he would stop and leave me alone. To really move on and let me do my thing, what ever that is..

I sometimes just feel so confuse and he makes me doubt myself so much. I think that is all the flea and big foot tend to do. Play game with me. I wish they would just live their life and leave me out of it.

Re: Explanations or Taunting

If he was That happy he wouldn't need to be bragging to you.. but would desire peace & feel love in his heart & show it by his actions.

My ex seemed to really enjoy seeing me & others hurt.
I know he loved me, I loved him & I think he was himself with me.. but he doesn't Really like himself that much so he has to graze from others.. attention, lust, etc.
I don't understand it but that I knew him & I think being really happy scares the living daylights out of him.
If he is happy he would not need to put it in your face, he knows it hurts you.. he's enjoy your pain, that's not love (my opinion).
Ex also did this sort of stuff..
I remember reading that abuse is a stronger bond than love in that it is a layered sick way to tie someone to a person... whereas LOVE is freeing.
I have to remind myself of this...
try to keep detaching. Love is beautiful, powerful & true, it's not hurtful. We can keep loving.. & do not have to get caught back in that cycle of abuse.

Re: Explanations or Taunting

"[So yesterday I was thinking is he really doing this because he just wants me to know what our son is going to do or to taunt me and throw it on my face "Look What I am doing"]"

Well, probably it's a bit of both. I mean if he didn't tell you what he was doing, where they were going, you'd want to know, right? But yeah, he's probably getting a little kick out of too. Most important thing (what I am trying REALLY hard to work on now) is that his intention doesn't matter. How you respond to it does. So don't let it feel like it's being rubbed in your face. take it for what it is. You know where your son is and what he's doing. Be happy for your son, is he there when your ex tells you? Can you smile and hug your son and tell him it sounds like he'll have a lot of fun? Or if your son is not there, just make mental or written notes of where he'll be and when and thank your ex for letting you know (showing him you just want to know your child's where-a-bouts). Do you make plans for yourself when your son is away? Does your ex have your cell number? When he's done telling you, thank him, and just casually say "you have my cell number, right? I probably won't be home so have him call that if he needs me for anything or if anything happens". Or something. Even if you have no plans. Let his imagination make him nuts for a little bit! One thing I do now is change the "play" in my head. Instead of imagining him at a bar, smiling and laughing with his buddies, flirting with women, I imagine him sad and lonely with tears in his beers! So imagine your son having a really fun time with his dad, and then imagine what you like about your ex (and anyone else)! Our thoughts are very powerful, might as well use them to make us feel good, not bad!!

Re: Explanations or Taunting

The tone, which cannot be easily sent through this forum, probably makes the difference between informing and taunting. Conversations with my stbx have become almost that of an answering machine. When he calls to tell me something, I say "OK" and put no emotion into it. The only questions I ask are things I need to know. If he starts to digress, I make an excuse and abruptly hang up. If he is trying to have this conversation fact-to-face I walk away. In time he has quit trying to have a conversation with me, but in a matter-of-fact manner informs me of the things I need to know. If my kids are going out of town, I want to know that. If they are going to a movie it doesn't really matter. My counselor did not sugar coat it one little bit early on. She told me it wasn't my choice and that I needed to learn to deal with it. (I almost got up and walked out, but in time I've learned that she is right.) Then, naturally, she did give me some coping strategies. My kids are OK with the fact that they get to go do fun things with their dad but not with me. They are learning very fast how to play the game to their advantage. My kids know money is tight and this makes them really appreciate the things that I can pull off. They see time with their dad as fun time-when they need advice or security, they come to me. I can live with that.

Re: Explanations or Taunting

See the Flea only does this when, him and big foot are going to be together. When he and my son are together he won't say what they are doing, but if big foot is coming along then it is "we are going here" "we are all going there" so that was the reason I was asking is he really happy, are the explanation really for my benefit or to just taunt me. To make me see what "they" can do for him. If big foot is not going to be around I don't hear about what they are doing or where they are going or anything. It is only when big foot will be around.

So is it really explanation or taunting....

Re: Explanations or Taunting

My vote: taunting

Re: Explanations or Taunting

Doesn't matter. Next time it is just ex with son, ask him what they will be doing. If he asks why you want to know, just say, well, usually you tell me, it is nice to know, just wondering if you had plans. If he puts up a stink, just tell him it's OK, you were just asking. Whether his words are explanation or taunting DOES NOT MATTER. It really, truly doesn't. That is HIS issue, not yours. If it is your issue, then it means you are feeling insecure that he can provide more things (in terms of money) than you can. So then it is your life lesson to learn that although these things are nice to be able to provide, they are not what really "sticks". Think about your childhood memories. Do you remember vacations as happiest times? Or moments? I travelled the world when I was young and I can tell you I do not remember specific places (and as an obnoxious youth, regrettably I admit I did not appreciate it either). But I remember specific moments. Times when someone was indescribably cruel to me (mostly, after all we do tend to dwell on how we were wronged!), but also times when someone was unexplainably kind to me. Your son will remember your LOVE much much more than outings here and there with ex and gf, especially if he wasn't particularly paid attention to on these trips. There are certain lessons in life we MUST learn. So we can recognize them and work on that, or keep reliving the pain over and over because we won't acknowledge it. I know it is hard. I am trying so very hard now to do this myself. Most times I want to give up but I know if I do it will never end. We HAVE to face our fears and insecurities or they will follow us around no matter what we do or where we go. So the question to ask is not what are his motives, but why do you care? Tap into your inner strength, the answer will become clear.

Re: Explanations or Taunting

I'm with StrongSpirit on this one. It doesn't matter if he's just explaining things or taunting. In fact, it's entirely possible that he, in his mind, thinks it's just explaining that Big Foot will be along with them.

WK and I haven't spoken for....ooh, a month or so. It's been so peaceful, LOL! I did call him last week because I needed him to help me with a piece of paper work that I was doing for our mutual boss, but he never got back to me and I figured it out just fine on my own -- it took only a little extra time. (Danged if I'm paying him a consulting fee for my project, LOL!)

Re: Explanations or Taunting

Lots of good points made here in the responses. I agree that the kids will see what is meaningful in the long run. Good thing they live with you so they can see what is REALLY important in life.

Gotta ask why you let him do this to you. Do you have to talk to him about what they are doing? All you really need to know is when and where to drop your child off. We have a set schedule and our son is old enough to handle plans on his own. He does all the talking to his father. If your child wants to tell you what they are doing or did is one thing. I don't ask. Tell the Flea that you don't need to know what they are doing or just don't give him the opportunity to tell you.
If you have to see your ex while dropping off or picking up your child/children make it as brief as possible. Take away his taunt you if that is what he is doing. If it is just an explanation (which I doubt since he doesn't give them unless BF is going to be there)we have to accept that we don't need them. What our ex's do with the kids during visitation is none of our business just as what we do with the kids is none of theirs. As long as the kids are not being harmed in anyway.
Hope things get better soon.
You will be much happier.

Re: Explanations or Taunting

Good points. Getting the right things packed can be challenging if we don't know. I tell my stbx if they need anything different than normal for the weekend, e-mail it to me. I know he's had to buy new swim suits before.

Re: Explanations or Taunting

I go back to, you can't make sense of non sense.
Then I read the scriptures which calms my spirit.

Recently I have found this wave of disgust come over me, far greater than the origonal when he left.
It's not the same pain & heartache, not like that now.. I don't want him back.
But this total betrayal & shock perhaps? a stage of grief that a human being who said all of these wonderful (apparently non truths?) to me, could/would make such a JOKE of it all by ditching me, divorcing, leaving, in debt (pays 0 on it), etc.
then sleep with MANY other women when he said I was the one God Made for him....
talk about setting us up with their actions not matching words for non trust.
SO, I HAVE to recenter myself.
This EX perience has taught me a LOT about opposites & that I believe in Heaven there is an accounting &
raised Catholic my head goes to, Heaven, Hell & purgatory...
So, I have my, "tools," that I enlist to get through this.
Maybe too, when we are waiting for the man of our dreams that we marry... we have this canvus, painted then with our love & commitment. When they betray this then we have to repaint somehow..
One can't just toss it aside in mind/heart/soul that it never was, so recapturing the beauty maybe?
I'm convinced I am going through grief stages again & that it will take a # of years.
My ex seemed so intent on spoiling, the dreams, for himself, for me, for everyone concerned, & it is VERY hard for me to not love, forgive, & be kind to others.. he plays on this nature in people.
BUT I cannot /will not change (by not loving & becoming bitter).
Today, I am fixing a fancy dinner. Yesterday I had company & went shopping.
I need to get out my music & listen (I love classical & music of different cultures...).
I pray for all of us that we find peace in our lives, that we are empowered again by love & happiness & not allow this to stop us but reaffirm our strength in truth & righteousness!