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Re: To those that have moved their kids

Like any other tough time in their lives Becky the key is to just LOVE THEM. No matter how they act. Keep reassuring them that the move will be okay. That you know their pain and that you understand it. Make sure they know that it is okay to be sad but to let their sadness take first place will only ruin the happiness that is yet to come with the move.

Re: To those that have moved their kids

You could maybe start planning a few stuff ahead that you will do when you are in your new home (tea party, have a big sleep over), ask them to think about decor ideas, get them involved and hopefully excited about the new adventure.

That's what it is Becky, a new adventure.

Lisa is so right, the biggest of them all is your love, that will help them through anything and everything.

Re: To those that have moved their kids

Ladies, I know you're right. I don't know why but this has really hit me hard. Didn't expect it to be so hard. I'm really not one that is attached to a place, and I DO want to move, but for reasons I can't wrap my brain around this is throwing me for a bit of a loop. Of course I don't let my boys see that

The realtor called and the couple wants to come back again Saturday. I should be thrilled but instead I sat down and cried. I think part of it is the finality of this chapter of my life. I don't want Jerk back, I want to move closer to my family, but I am grieving the end of this chapter of my life some. CRAZY. I should go out and live it up. I have a lot of faith that things will work out and that I need to be patient and see what lies ahead. Me? Patient? PLEEEAAASE!