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Re: To those that have moved their kids

Ladies, I know you're right. I don't know why but this has really hit me hard. Didn't expect it to be so hard. I'm really not one that is attached to a place, and I DO want to move, but for reasons I can't wrap my brain around this is throwing me for a bit of a loop. Of course I don't let my boys see that

The realtor called and the couple wants to come back again Saturday. I should be thrilled but instead I sat down and cried. I think part of it is the finality of this chapter of my life. I don't want Jerk back, I want to move closer to my family, but I am grieving the end of this chapter of my life some. CRAZY. I should go out and live it up. I have a lot of faith that things will work out and that I need to be patient and see what lies ahead. Me? Patient? PLEEEAAASE!