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Re: Help !

I can so relate to this & know how you are feeling. My husband has moved in with his girlfriend & left the state. By appearances, he is living quite the high life. I however, am living alone & going through emotional distress. I have been trying to deal with it by doing my best to refrain from focusing on what he is doing. I have to literally keep telling myself it's over! you are getting a divorce! It doesnt matter what he is doing & who he is doing it with! I personally feel like jumping into another relationship right away is rather unhealthy. I get lonely but know that I have to work on healing & feeling better about myself before I start dating. I do think that when rejected/marriage ends people have a tendency to romanticize the way things were. Things do happen for a reason, I am convinced of that. I have to remind myself that if my husband was a respectful,commited & loving partner, he wouldn't have treated me badly when it meant the most.

Re: Help !

I totally understand how you feel. One day at a time. I am still hurting, but not as bad. Just pray constantly and ask God to help you and he will. I will keep you in my prayers.

Re: Help !

My stbx wanted to get rid of any and all responsibility from his life. He may have what he thinks he wants, but I don't believe for a minute that he is truly happy. Why would someone need to find another 'someone special' right away? Why would someone need to be out "living it up?" I believe it's because they are trying to find happiness from external sources. True happiness has to come from within. Hang in there. Small towns do make it more difficult to get that distance you may need. Hugs.

Re: Help !

I completely agree with you Becky.
My ex swore he couldn't live with out me, that I was his one and only love, begged me to take him back...2 weeks later he is living with new GF (?) So much for true love He had new GF drive him all over town while he was drunk off his a$$. The local bar owner is a friend of mine and he tells me that all he did was talk about me, while getting drunk and hanging all over new GF He acted like he was over me, like he had moved on but he didn't
She didn't last long..Smart girl!!!
Your ex isn't living the good life. He is filling in the holes of his life with whatever or whomever he can. Yes you have to deal with the emotional baggage that comes with divorce but look at it this way YOU are the one who is going to be living the good life. Because you will have healed long before him. YOU will move on in life and he will forever stand still.