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Do I go or stay?

Hi how do you know when to go? My husband has a gfriend and has got my daughter on his side. I have now told both my 18y daughter and 16y son that I am going in 2 yrs wen my son finishes school, but have stressed if I can last that long. I wish I could just go!!! I may only wait till my 16yr son gets his licence..what does anyone think??

Re: Do I go or stay?

I know there is no way I could continue to live with a man that had a GF. What message are you sending your kids about how a woman deserves to be treated? If they see you are treated this way and you allow it to continue, they will both see this as acceptable. So down the road your daughter will not stand up for herself in a relationship and your son will think it is OK to cheat on his significant other or wife. That's only my opinion. I know you're in a hard place. Prayers and hugs are sent your way.

Re: Do I go or stay?

I absolutely agree with Becky. Don't let your children think relationships outside of the marriage are acceptable. That's what they'll believe if you continue on.

If your husband knows that you know about the gfriend, what does that tell you about his respect for you, your wedding vows, your marriage, your family.

No way!