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The Most Insane Visitation Story in the World

Here goes it.

My ex-husband after successfully beating up our five year old in 2008 still charmed the courts enough to be allowed joint custody and split visitation.
In 2010 my ex-husband decided to beat his 18 month old baby up in front of my now 7 year old son.
The CPS was involved in both cases and the cases were FOUNDED. His name will be in the Central Registry as a Level 2 child abuser for the next 7 years. For the second beating he was charged with a felony however the wife (step-parent of my child) dropped the charges and went back to live with her husband like nothing happened. I however fought the issue and the charming did not work on the court this time. This was primarily because of the wonderful Guardian ad Litem and a witness testimony.

Finally, I have full custody. He is only alotted supervised visits twice per month. Here is the crazy part. The individuals in charge of being the supervisors are his in-laws. Yes, the step-parent's parents. This is not fully stated nor court appointed and can be changed. But I have worked with them and for a while everything went wonderfully.

Now, ex gets an administrative order forcing him to pay child support (more than the 40 dollars per year he gives for lunch money). Visitation turns into a disaster. Cancelations occur, or visits are cut short. I get threats via the internet saying that they will stop if I'm not nice to their daughter (this comes from the step-parent).

And now the doozy....fourth visit in a row is cut short, and this is causing inconsistencies within the guidelines of the order...the visit is cut short because of a mysterious illness that has crept into the house...my child is dropped off at my house and the father-in-law (mind you, he's a preacher) decides to verbally slander me in my own front yard, get into my face, and scream because I suggested them to take a few weekends off to get better since everyone seems to be staying so sick....call it a defense mechanism on his part?

I have an alternative supervisor and will reschedule visitations and let the ex know. However, I know this will all come with the price of more court. As they have announced they are going to take me back to get supervised visitations removed on the basis that the ex should not have to pay child support and doesn't want to.

All the while, I have been as flexible and understanding as possible. But I guess I will remain the "bad guy" for trying to protect my kid from a "bad guy".

Re: The Most Insane Visitation Story in the World

Stories like this absolutely infuriate me! Continue to be the "bad guy" if need be. There are no limits when it comes to the safety of our children.

As for the child support. Boo Hoo for him. He doesn't WANT to pay. I don't WANT to pay taxes either, but guess what? My stbx if irritated to discover that in our state his wages will automatically be garnished to pay child support. You have the children, you PAY for the children. Seems pretty simple to me.

Keep us posted of any ne developments. Good luck to you. Keep that 'baby' safe.

Re: The Most Insane Visitation Story in the World


Thanks. I've been doing a lot of research because now I am getting threats that they are going to file a show cause because of the INCONSISTENCIES created by the Supervisor.

Also, I have kept in regular contact with the Guardian ad Litem. She says the order doesn't state that it has to be those people and to tell them in fact that it will be changing. Just waiting on a reply.

Re: The Most Insane Visitation Story in the World

Don't let people come to your house and yell at you. You have the right to close the door, after you do that, call the police and make a report. Just so you have it down in writing. Keep copies of all the e-mails they have send you and make sure you take them with you when and if you ever go to court.

Men are stupid, the flea(ex) has threaten to take me back to court to get more visitation since the day he left. Every time he gets a paper from the court, he becomes a pain, and start threatening, until now he has done nothing. Every time he has threaten I give in but now I have decided enough, is enough. I will threaten back and see how he likes.

Take care and protect that child of yours, and keep records if possible call social workers and police to keep records of missed visitation and early returns just for your peace of mind. Keep us posted..

Re: The Most Insane Visitation Story in the World

Thanks Lady Rb. I have kept everything I need for court. There is this wonderful free download that you can get from CNET downloads called IDailyDiary. Basically its a calendar and a place to type. You type what you want and it saves it. I have been using this tool since 2007. All things can be downloaded to Word and then printed. So it will download everything. Really nice tool. And it has been a life saver at times.