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Husband staying out all night

My husband wants a divorce. We have been married for 11 yrs. I found out that he was on a gay mailing list for 10 yrs. He denies that he is gay. Anyway I'm upset because he went out with a friend and sent me a text at 151 am that he was staying over. I know for a fact that the friend is not gay. Is he being irresponsible by just sending a text? We have two young boys. I'm so upset by this divorce.

Re: Husband staying out all night


right now your head will be all over the place and what you want one minute will be something different in the next.

Your emotions are going to have a field day and you will have to just keep keeping on.
Is he irresponsible? of course. A text means he didnt have to speak to you.
No one can be on a gay mailing list for ten years by accident.

Right now Missy, concentrate on day to day living. It will be so hard at times but you have just got to know that you will survive, you will come through.
Talk about it to those close to you. Use this place to vent the things you dont know how to say.

It will be hard Missy but every feeling you feel has been experienced and SURVIVED by most of the women on here. You will find strength and courage you never knew you had.

Thinking of you. Come back and let us know how you are doing.

Re: Husband staying out all night

Oh, Missy. I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. The wave of emotions one feels at this point are CRAZY. You head and your heart will fight you keep you in turmoil. BUT you WILL find strength you never knew you had. You WILL do what you have to do to take care of those boys. You WILL come out on the other side of this a whole person capable of being happy.

Yes, your husband is irresponsible. The gay list thing...YIKES! That had to have been a shock. If he has secretly been on this list, he is avoiding talking to you (because he knows he's wrong in his choices) and he is neglecting his duties as a husband and father, he is being irresponsible. When my stbx would stay out all night he would somehow twist it and make it my fault? Huh? He is a master at this one. Anything to releive himself the responsibility of his choices.

Please do keep us posted. This is a safe place to share your story and to feel not quite so alone.

Prayers and hugs.