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Lost hurt and confused

My husband of 22 yrs decided he didnt want to be a family man and took off a month ago. He took all the money and left me to deal with things here. The kids are upset and I feel terrible because I am really upset too. I cant stop crying and hurt so badly I dont know what to do. I really dont want to live. I cant handle this pain on top o the physical pain I deal with every day. I never knew I could hurt this much. But now I have to worry about money and I have many medical problems and meds that I wnt be able to afford once he yanks the insurance. I am not this type of person, I am truly not, but I hope he rots in Hell for all the pain he is putting his family through. I hope I get a fair judge because he is planning on not giving me thing. And his family is so evil he might win. I dont undestand how they can just decide one day that they want to be free and they get away with it while weare left picking up the pieces. He has destroyed me. I cant handle this pain.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Hi Lassrynn - In the beginning the pain is so unbelievable. But, it will lessen with time. It amazes me as well how they can just walk away. You will find an inner strength in yourself to get through this that you never knew you had. Also, if you can lean on family and friends. Talking about your feelings and sharing your pain will help with the healing. This website has been a great help for me. You are not alone in how you feel. The women here are wonderful and very supportive.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Thanks. Its nice to have people that truly understand of painful this is. I need to find that inner strength quick. Im losing ground.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Hi Lassryn,
I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It is one of the most painful events anyone can experience, and the pure trauma of it is very bad in the beginning. I remember walking through the grocery store feeling like I was suddenly disconnected from everyone, almost like I was on a different planet. He cannot legally take all the money, you have rights. Do you have a lawyer? Have you looked into COBRA to extend health insurance? I found that going into survival mode kicked in first, and it helped to focus on that and is needed to be focused upon right now! Don't let him screw you over, 1/2 of everything is yours.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Get an attorney. He has to provide for his children. Yes, survival mode kicks in. It's amazing how strong we can be when we are forced to be. My home came close to foreclosure (he had to catch the mortgage up) and I will be filing bankruptcy (which SUCKS-for lack of better words) but I will be able to take care of my kids when this is all said and done. I wasn't happy with my first attorney, so I fired him. It's the future for me and my children we're talking about here! Hugs.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Lassrlynn, It is unbelievably painful at first. Worse than death. But it does ease. It's only been 3 months for me and I feel a difference. The first few weeks are awful. I remember. I am so sorry. Nearly 30 year marriage, and he walks out for someone else without a second thought. I don't get it. There has to be that some men just get to an age and feel the need to try to be young again. That's all I can see. Hang in there, it will get better.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Yeah my guy planned this well. He insisted we needed to file for bankruptcy so we did. So bills gone, credit trashed. He bought a new car and wouldnt let me put my name on it. He left me with a piece of crap. He traded in my car that I loved to get his, tricked me actually. I have an Lawyer but have to borrow money from family to get it. He abuses ever system out there and I have a gut feeling he is going to get away with leaving me nothing. Now that my back is injured (because of him) I cant work until or even if I get the pain under control. He turned so evil it hurts and its all directed at me.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Thanks. Im not a strong person. I am really shy and very sensitive. This is ripping me into tiny shredds while he is somewhere sunny and warm probably screwing around with everything that walks by. Right before he took off I discovered that in January he had joined a dating site. My heart is full of holes. I am having such a problem keeping it together.

Re: Lost hurt and confused

Thanks. I hope the judge will see it that way. Its funny though. He takes off and goes to where its nice and warm. To him he didnt abandon us. Well My daughter and I both feel pretty **** abandoned. He has really become mental. And his family is evil. They sue each other! They know there way around a court room.