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sleeping in

I am still so plagued by the sleeping problems! I usually have a very high energy level but it is greatly diminished by my lack of sleep. This is Sunday morning and a day to finally sleep in. I woke up at 3:38 and my mind went crazy going over everything at lightning speed. I still notice alot of us ladies don't seem to be sleeping yet. At first I also had trouble eating but unfortunately that has pretty well gone away.(Would like to lose 20 lbs) Since I'm only 5ft tall this is alot on my small frame. I really would like to get back to a size 4 which I was for many, many years. The last ten years or so those few pounds each year crept on and didn't come off. I think this would help me feel better about myself. All in all I still look better than my stbx. He is really much older for his years than I am even though he is only 9 days older than me. I guess my big problem is I know somehow this could be worked out so we could both once again be happy and fall in love again. We did have a good sex life but my sex drive was much greater than his since the start. That is really something I miss the intimacy! We still live together if you want to call it that. He informed me I didn't have to cook for him he would take care of that. I do though still do his laundry. He hasn't told me he would take care of that yet. I hate to see laundry so it's easier for me to do it. He comes and goes as if he isn't bothered one bit by all this. Go figure. I feel like a split personality most of the time. I am almost manic with the highs and lows. This just isn't me. I hate not having some kind of grip on my emotions. We say maybe literally two words to each other in a week. You know what they say about silence being deafening. Since there is no communication I have no idea about his future plans, such as is he moving? I hate being alone! I almost think it is better having him here in the flesh if not in spirit than having him gone. I have had one appointment with a therapist. He is very good but very booked up. My next appointment isn't until 5-26-11. Almost two months after the first appointment. He wants me to see if my husband will come with me then,at least for one appointment. I really think that won't happen. He did not want to go to marriage counseling which I would still be willing to try. I know ending this marriage is the best thing for me. I really wish I didn't want so badly for this to work out in the end. I have taken all the important legal steps to protect my share of our assets. Again this is the major problem in the marriage. He had a death grip on all the money and is very selfish!!!!!!! He was an only child and I don't know if that has any thing to do with it. The fact that he has once again started to drink is a major problem for me as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never go back to that again. I noticed he is curbing it alot. ( He is now a diabetic controlled by medication not insulin) I think he has problems when he drinks to much which is a good thing! This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life and I hate it! If it were not for this site and you wonderful ladies I think I would just give up and die. I have my two girls and beautiful three grandchildren and fortunately my parents still which is alot to be greatful for I know but there is this overwhelming longing in me that I just can't seem to extinguish right now. I haven't tried a divorce recovery group yet. Did anyone find that helped them cope? I realize I am good at giving advice but not taking it. This is certainly an exercize in character building. I hope I can rise to the occasion. I guess I'm having a poor me morning so thank you all for allowing me to vent. I really pray for all of us all the time.

Re: sleeping in

Kathleen I spent a yr that way. I would only sleep 3-4 hours and would go all day. I was always active and would get a lot of stuff done. In December with the kids home from school everything changed. I started sleeping more. We would go to sleep late and wake up late. Now I can't seem to get enough sleep. Have you tried moving your bed. Changing it position. Rearrange your room. I did that at first I couldn't sleep but soon my head and body got use to. Try it you never now. Good luck. Sleep will come just wait.

Re: sleeping in

On my days off from work, I slept 15-24 hrs a day & didn't get out off bed when I was awake. This went on for months yet I was still exhausted. My husband was off with his new woman, going on trips with his boatload of $ & I was wasting away. Down to 105 & I am 5'7. What the hell was I thinking!!!
~Hang in there. Take benadryl if you have to so you get some rest. Lack of sleep exacerbates depression, which you dont need right now.

Re: sleeping in

Thank you all for your advice about sleeping I will try it all. Hope all are doing something for themselves today. It has to be our time now. You ladies are my life line and I appreciate you so much!