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So the Beast is now threatening to leave WK...and guess who is taking the flak for it? MY KIDS.

The kids told me this morning that Beast has been muttering about leaving because they "don't respect" her. Why should they? She treats them like servants and has since Day 1. Her daughter gets everything that she wants, including special food and treats and money, when she wants it; my kids have to earn everything, and half the time the rules get changed halfway through so they can't earn anything! How is that fair?

Honestly, I think that if WK and the Beast really loved each other, it would spill over into everything, and into every interaction with the other members of the household. (It always did with the two of us when we were happy, so I have precedent for this belief, LOL! ) That everyone is so unhappy indicates to me that there is no love there...and possibly (probably) never was.

Being honest with myself, now: I doubt she'll actually leave. She's the type who makes threats and doesn't follow through on them. And there are a host of other reasons why she will just pout and stomp and make everyone's lives even more miserable... For example, how would she get around if she left? If she took the car, it's grand theft auto; her name isn't on it (it's in WK's and MIL's names only), and she would have forfeited permission to drive it. For another, her government benefits would be cancelled, cause they're based on household size and her household would decrease by 5. Where would she live? Her older daughter and the newborn are in her old room at her parents' (formerly her and her ex's) house. There are no spare bedrooms. She'd have to (gasp!) get a JOB. Oh, the horror!!

My mother, bless her little heart, has gotten it into her head that if Beast leaves, I will go back to WK! HA! Simply never gonna happen. I'm smarter than that. I do find myself snickering when I think of what he will likely do if she does leave...how does that feel, jerk?

Re: HA!

You are SO right! IF there was love in that house it would include everyone. But it is hard to build a house of love and trust on betrayal and pain. She may not leave now, but the fact that she is saying it means it will happen one day and your jerk will know how you felt this whole time. My hope for you is that you are in a loving, committed relationship when it happens and when he cries to you, you feel nothing more than pity.

Re: HA!


Re: HA!

Nah, not even pity

Re: HA!

Maybe it's wrong of me, ladies, but Orville Redenbacher is gonna be my best friend through this situation....she creates the drama, and I sit back with a bowl of Kettle Corn and watch and laugh.

And you're right...not even pity. Well, maybe, I Pity the Fool....LMAO!!!!

Re: HA!

Oh, and a little more information on that situation just came my way. Evidently, the two of them will get into an argument, and instead of staying and working it out, perhaps even admitting that she was in the wrong, she gets in the car and goes "to visit her daughter", or "out".

The first time, she came home around 2 A.M., and then refused to get up to take my son to school (which was fine by me cause she's a rotten driver, LOL! Plus it gave me more time with him!). The next time it happened, she didn't come back that night at all. She claimed to have fallen asleep on the daughter's couch. Personally, I call BS. =)

Whatever the situation may be, yes, if they truly loved each other, they could work anything out. (He11, I know WK still has feelings for me, but I sure don't love him the way he thinks. It's more of an absent, occasionally-present fondness. It tends to last until the next time he pi$$es me off, and then goes away...kinda like a skin rash. )