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my ex remarried and moved out of the state...he have not paid child support for 19 months now...never calls our son (which he is 5 yrs old btw) and maybe comes to see him every 5 to 6 months... when he does come to see his son he NEVER brings him back on the right date, causing him to miss school and other plans. Now I am getting remarried to a military man can I just move ? Can he stop me from moving ?

Re: Help

You need to be documenting all of his missed visits, his lack of responsibility of returning him on time, which IS disrupting his daily living. Then call you attorney. If you can prove that your ex is behaving in a manor that is NOT in the child's best interest (school is a BIG one in the eyes of the court) then you may end up getting what you want. As for child support, have you contacted your domestic relations office ( that is who I go through in PA, not sure of your state) if his wages are not being garnished, ask that they be. He will not only have to pay with out choice, he will have to pay arrears for the 19 months he missed, OR he will see jail time.
Good Luck. I hope that you are able to move with out problem. It seems to me that your ex is not responsible enough to care for a dog let alone child.

Re: Help

If you have full custody I would think you could but I am not sure. I thought it was a federal rule, but here if the spouse doesnt pay support as ordered they will be put in jail. May want to check on both. He remarried, it doesnt seem far to stop you. Hope it works out. Are you sure about the military man? Have you lived like that before? Its a different type of life. You are probably better than me but I couldnt handle it. Wish you all the luck.

Re: Help

Good luck I hope you can get your child support issue resolve, go to your public assistant and ask what you can do. Good luck.

Re: Help


I don't think he has the right to stop you from moving. However go to http://www.divorceguide.com/usa/divorce-laws/ a professional advice is better than all to avoid future conflicts.

Thank you

Re: Help

Thank you everyone. Lisa I have everything. I have an appoit. w/ a lawyer tuesday, let's hope it works out good. Thank you