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My youngest apparently was stung by something. He was having a reaction to it...not life threatening, but something to watch none-the-less. (His father does have a life threatening reaction to bees.) So I called the doctor and was told how to treat it at home and what to watch for and was told to take him to accute care if it wasn't better the next day. So Jerk picks the kids up and I give him the instructions from the doctor. I called the next day and was told he was doing better so he didn't think he'd take him to the doctor. In a conversation today he said he sure wished they would have given some indication of what he was stung, or bit, by. They can often tell by the look of the bite. I pointed out that HE hadn't taken him to the doctor.

Re: Um-Duh

It sounds like he not only wants you to take care of everything, and he wants you to do it his way. I would give him the doctors name and number and tell him if you want to know, call for yourself. Otherwise this is all the information I have. They wanted the divorce and now they will have to accept that they have responsibilities to take care of and that the wives (or ex-wives) aren't going to continue to do it all.