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Event's Over...I Survived =)

So my big event is over and done for another year. WK did not stay thru the entire thing this time; he was there to do a task, then skedaddle. He spent most of the 2 1/2 hours within 30 feet of me, however, which was *extremely* weird. In between doing his "little task" and checking on our daughter, who was doing her job by herself for the first time, he would come and hang out with me, and we just talked and talked and talked. We ironed out, once and for all(I hope!), the problems # 1 Son has been having with doctors not communicating. I explained to WK that they had not communicated with me at all, which seemed to take him by surprise. I asked him if they had been calling Beast instead (I already knew they had called her - they gave me the number they called, and it was her cell! ), and he said they "might" have.

And, I am slightly ashamed to say that I took great delight in reminding him of what she so enjoys reminding me of, when my stepsons are involved: She's NOT his mother and has NO legal rights to know ANYTHING about his health care, whether or not she is the provider of the insurance.

I also reminded him that in a situation where he, WK, could not get the boy to an appointment, it would be because Beast was unavailable to provide transportation!! That one got him thinking. I could hear the gears grinding.

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

Glad you survived the day and was able to get some of your points across at the same. I hear the your anger at your WK and OW. I hope one day, you will be able to find peace in your heart not for him, but for you and your children. You deserve to have someone who loves you unconditionally.

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

Great to hear you survived. Glad to hear you got the thing with your son somewhat figured out. Progress and well you are letting him know about her interference.Hope things are going better for you.

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

It's good to hear, you got your point across to WK about your son. Hopefully know he can do something about that. I am really glad you are getting along with him. Let's hope the Beast, doesn't get wind of it and starts something with you. Take care

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

Thanks, ladies.

I doubt Beast would have the cojones to start anything with me now, since she supposedly "doesn't get involved" in communications between me and WK - even though he freely acknowledges that she "used to" do that. He said it was because she "was" insecure. I disagree, and I reminded him that she is still jealous of and insecure about my place in his life. To hear the kids tell it, as much as she says to WK (and to me, any time she is in the same area as I) that she "isn't going anywhere", she has one foot out the door!

Should that happen, well, she will know how I felt when the two of them were carrying on right under my nose. Mind you, nothing's going on between me and WK except, thank the Goddess, improved communication! And about time!

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

If the Beast were out of the picture do you think you and WK would reconcile for the kids? I had two different clients who remarried each other again after their second marriages didn't work out. Stranger things have happened. Are you even remotely interested in such a thing? If so you are on the right track. If not then it makes it alot easier to co-parent. Is WK actually married to the Beast? Hope you enjoy this holiday weekend.

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

Kathleen...I don't really think so. Although WK and I still care deeply for each other, he really hurt me badly and I may never be able to forgive him - since he hasn't shown the type of remorse I would figure someone who hurt the woman he loves would show.

Even if Beast were out of the picture, which is looking less and less likely as the days go on, despite what my kids have told me about the fights she and WK have, and her several-times-weekly threats to leave, I don't think I could go back to WK, be his wife, live in his house, etc etc etc.

I have to say, though, I told WK that if she threatens to leave again, he shouldn't let her go, he should make her go, and change the locks, and report the car stolen, and throw all her **** on the lawn! Silly man, he thought I was kidding!!

Re: Event's Over...I Survived =)

Oh, and yes, they are married. At least she thinks so. I am pretty sure that the person who performed what I laughingly refer to as the "ceremony" isn't permitted to perform anything of the kind, as I have credentials from the same church -- and he never completed the program, or had his certification notarized.

So I'm pretty confident that their marriage, already built on a foundation of lies and betrayal, isn't any more valid than a driver's license from a box of Cracker Jack.