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What a DAD

My son called his dad for gas money...He was at a bar & told him to come in but did not hang up his phone & my son heard him talking about him to the bar tender & wouldn't go in & left...Said his dad was drunk...I bet the OW was with him & they were getting drunk b/c she knew she had to screw him & can't unless she is drunk...And he wants to know WHY his kids hate him...What a smart man...Why do they only think with their zipper...I wonder what stbx thought when his son left without the money...

PLEASE tell me why I feel sorry for my stbx...I have it stuck in my head he is not this person & the OW is making him this way...Or maybe not only us are giving him hell for leaving us but just maybe his family is telling him he screwed up also even though his mother & sister are running around with the hor...I know his older brother & business partner is giving him hell & letting him know every day he is a ****-up...I just wish I could stop feeling sorry for him & just hate him dearly...Boy what's wrong with me...

I know he is angry our court date got postponed tomorrow...I know it is killing him especially after he told our daughter no if ands or buts we will be divorced Tuesday...Now he has to wait till next Wednesday & that if they turn over all the paper work we want is what my lawyer says...

Re: What a DAD


This is exactly what we talk about in here - how their actions will come back to them some day. Sad for the children, but apparently your stbx's day has come. It's not your fault nor is there anything you can do about it. He has made his choices. It didn't have to be this way. All you can do is be there for your children like you have been all along.


Re: What a DAD

I think you hate your ex... at least a little bit. This is what I read in your post... or at least you are very very angry with him. Which of course is a legitimate feeling to have in your situation.
I am very sorry for all the things that happened to us women here and sometimes I am wondering if we can ever trust another man again. How would that be possible.

My situation is a little different but I feel we are all screwed when it comes to love and relationships. Kind of damaged I suppose... don't know what to do about that.

Re: What a DAD

Dear Dixie, I feel so bad for your son! I know you probably have a hard time believing this but you are so lucky to be rid of this man. If he drinks this much that is really a problem! I just hope your son doesn't follow that poor example. I guess there is a genetic link to alcoholism. It is just a matter of time before your stbx gets caught drinking and driving. You stbx's partner probably is mad because the divorce is impacting him as well. You are a first rate mom Dixie and your kids are blessed to have you in their corner. Your poor boy is probably going to have alot more heartache from his dad before it is all said and done. The kids are always to come first but alot of men don't see it that way. Your ex doesn't deserve your pity! He is the one who started all this. He did you a big favor and time will show you that. Go have a better life than you had before with him. You would be a real good catch for someone. Thinking of you and your kids.