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violation of parenting plan and divorce agreement

My ex husband has violated the parenting plan and divorce agreement, won't bring the kids back to me, has falsified information on the housing application and lease agreement with on base houseing....I don't know what to do after trying to contact everyone on Fort Benning and filing a restraining order from him. I had to change my phone number but he knows my parent's house number which is my permanent address and still hasn't contacted their house, is keeping my children from me and my parents, left me with no money and I am living off who ever will help me because he won't pay the child support. He is emotionally abusive and this is going to take a toll on our children that he has with him because he was doing this, saying horrible things and degrading/putting me down in front of them. I don't know what to do, I just know my kids deserve better than what they are with right now and I want to move on away from him and all his abusive controlling ways.

Re: violation of parenting plan and divorce agreement

If your ex is in the military you have military legal available to you. They can contact his commanding officer and it will be taken care of. You need to either go to the legal office or call them and see what you need to do to get an appointment. That is the first place I went to, the military legal office and they gave me the best advise and turned me in the right direction. They can't represent you but they can advise you and they can talk to the commanding officer and things will get done. This wont cost you anything, the military legal part. Good luck

Re: violation of parenting plan and divorce agreement

I am so sorry for your problems with the ex. I would think if he is still in the military that would be better for you. Do you have an attorney? If there is a custody order in place he just can't not obey it. You might have to take him back to court or take the custody order and have the police go with you to pick up your children. How old are these children? I do know that my court order required I let my ex know where I lived with the children and the phone number there. Have you actually spoke to him to demand the kids back? What does the court order read. He may lose his visitation over this or have to have it supervised. Let us know how it is going for you. You are in our thoughts and prays.