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Worried about future

I feel very scared sometimes when planning for an exit. I sometimes fear the uncertainty in future. Will I be able to live peacefully later.
I get worried that what if it takes too long for divorce proceedings, as my husband might not want to end it. I don't know but it's difficult sometimes that now I will have to take care of everything.
This is a big step. I am scared how everyone in my family will accept this decision. I know that I have to do this, as my husband is very abusive at times and very selfish too.
But what if things go wrong someway. What if one way or other things get ugly later after divorce or I can't find anyone good for myself.

Re: Worried about future

I am sorry you are going through all of this. However, remember all the fears/concerns you're expressing are what kept you in the relationship for so long. It's natural to have concerns about the unknown. Whenever I do, I try to think of my highest thought of something amazing happening and set my mind on that expectation. Perhaps you have seen the worst or maybe not in your decision to stay. I believe in prayer so I will pray for you and hope with you for the BEST!

Remind yourself, as I do, that I have chosen myself because my health and wellbeing are utterly important to me. AND...I love me MORE! Sending positive vibes of reassurance!!!

Re: Worried about future

Thank you so much for your kind words. Really means a lot. ❤️