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Re: Cheating husband

I kicked my cheating husband out 4 days ago. It’s raw emotion at the moment but I know I can’t give it another try even if he wanted to. The trust has gone. He lied to me so much and Ive been suspicious for so long it’s been eating me up. The truth is unbearable but better than another wasted set of years with a man who treats me with such contempt.

Re: Cheating husband

I am sorry you are going through that. Initially finding out is awful. All I can share is to tell you that I wish so very much that I had left the first time it happened. I spent over 2 decades of my life in an unhealty situation. Sincerely wish I could get those years back. Grieving for that time that I could have been spent loving ME. Instead of trying to fix him. Time helps. Your realization sounds fresh. Be good to yourself. Thanks for sharing.