A month ago I left my physically and mentally abusive husband, my son refused to leave for shelter with me. He thinks that it was both of us but what he saw was me reacting to the abuse. I miss him so much and he refuses to talk to me and I’m pretty sure his dad has told him I abandoned him. He blamed me for taking his sisters and pets from him when I just needed to get out of that situation. It was bad enough that I and even my children had to endure all this, but now I feel like I’ve lost my son. The only reason I am still alive today is for my kids. This is an unimaginable pain.
Have you filed for divorce yet.? You did not mention your son’s age. Setting up custody is important. My daughter is a lawyer and has been assigned to represent the children not either parent with regards to custody. Your estranged husband can not alienate you from your son. Obtain professional help as quickly as you can. The longer this goes on the more damage to you and your son’s relationship. Keep trying to communicate with your son. Don’t make him feel he must choose sides. Just let him know you love him unconditionally. Best of luck to you