I’m angry too. Everyone tells me to get an attorney just not theirs. So I’m trying to do the divorce on my own. My husband of 22 years is f***ing every girl he can, spending all of his money on other women, serial offender relative, pets, eating at restaurants and providing no money for me and my children. I know his boss is hiding his bonuses now too through gifts and trips. So once I file this thing we will get nothing. He’s just a lousy, vengeful person. After 22 years of marriage I don’t even recognize him. Next time someone even mentions an upcoming marriage I WON’T congratulate them ever. It’s so stupid. And to think I was the girl who would never date a married man, kept decent values and my vows! I hope and pray you have a much better life now that your divorce is over.
Sorry. 22 years? You should be able to get maintenance and child support, no? We were married 24 years. I am getting a bit of maintenance for the rest of our lives. Or until I remarry. Which is never ever going to happen. I no longer believe in the institution. My husband also cheated. Most of the marriage. It's painful. Be well.
Hi Tracy super sorry you are going on this emotional roller coaster. It’s not greener on this side. Me and my husband despise each other (I think) and right now I’m laying facing the patio and he’s sitting behind me in his chair. I don’t even want to look at him. … I’m mad as hell too he let it get here and he was a lazy steaming pile of cow dung!!! It was just a waste of 15 years- but again I’m bitter …. It’s been about a few days and I have finally admitted it. I don’t want to be with him and I know he doesn’t want to be here either but we are kind of stuck. No kids —- but he’s not working and drawing a small check from ssdi but he needs to do something positive —- work and help us. Itsucks. I’m mad at the world but it isn’t going to fix this situation. Hugsssss i just want you to know you don’t sound crazy…… the way and what u are feeling has to be NORMAL.
I am in an abusive marriage with a narcissist that steals everything I have bought takes our money and is physically and verbally abusive He is on drugs and is retired so I work and he can go be with his gfs and take everything I have worked for and put it in storage somewhere It’s too much to even think about I am so afraid to be alone but I desperately need out but I don’t know if I can do it I’m terrified Is there anywhere to find people that want to exchange numbers and have friends to talk to each other in times of weakness or sadness or whenever they need you
I'm sorry. That really sucks. My sister's lawyer for her divorce bled her so much of her money, she couldn't even afford to complete the process and is still married to the jerk and now owes the lawyer a ton. Her husband was being difficult about their business and made things take so long, she spent all her money on the stupid lawyer. Sorry yours was such an ass too. Glad that you had the guts to get your divorce. I didn't, but now that my husband told me, I'm honestly thrilled. I didn't have the guts, and he's given me no choice, and I have no idea if he'll wait before leaving for me to find a job or secure a place to live, but if I can just get situated and save my dogs, that's all I freaking care about. I never, ever want to be in the wrong relationship again. I'd rather be alone.
So, girl, celebrate when the anger subsides, and then start saving for your new place. Have that dream to guide you. I have the dream of having my doggies at the park and knowing they're safe to help me. Good luck :) And feel good. He's gone, and now you can be the you you've been wanting to be.