I am new to the group.. I am married to a Narcissist and I have been with him for 8 yrs I never believed that he was a Narcissist untill I started seeing how he was acting and reading up on it.. I met my husband we I was coming out of my first marriage and working pay check to pay check with 2 kids.. my husband was 13 yrs older then me and had a business so I stepped out of my box and decided to start dating him… we went through a lot the first 2 years where he was constantly lying to me wouldn’t take me to his place and I could never get a straight answer so then shortly after I got pregnant with are first and I went to tell him a f he kicked me out the truck and called me a white it’s not mine … I didn’t speak to him for a year and by the time he believe our son was his was when he tired a year old… so anyway I have been through it I gave up my life for him did everything a wife should do always run for him and the business but it wasn’t enough for him… after we got married is when it started going down hill he was starting to work late nights and come home buzzed after work and just alot so I started noticing things and I let it go but it was getting worse he wouldn’t come home some night so I wasn’t stupid he was seeing someone I found him buying hotel paying her bills crazy **** things got worse he ended up kicking me out 3 yrs ago well last aug I moved back in with him and the kids everything was great we were sleeping in bed together going out doing things with the kids.. then one night he brought his current girlfriend now home one night and she never left.. he has become very nasty and mean to me when she’s around and when she’s not he’s my best friend she runs there relationship and says if you don’t do this I’m leaving she is not nice and she also has a problem so now they are both mean… the other day she told him your getting a divorce she has to leave or I’m packing my **** well I got a text last week saying you will be served eviction papers and I’m filing for divorce next month I’m his wife still and the mother of his kids and he wants me out in the streets again… plz help me with advice what do I do
That’s your home. Get a restraining order on her and tell your husband he can leave. What a jerk! Get in touch with a pro bono lawyer , a divorce group, church whatever support people you can. That’s so messed up. Hope things get better for you soon!
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