It’s been 15 years of bull**** and Now he is leaving me. My only fault is I shouldn’t have stood up for myself and I will still have my family. I will still have everything I’ve worked for. But nope he left me.
I am sorry that you have to go through this. But the answer was not to sit in silence while you were mistreated and who knows what else. That is not a marriage, that sounds more like bondage.
Don't beat yourself up for having the strength to stand up for yourself. You have worth and value and it is not all tied up with your family.
Its gonna be a hard road, but start rebuilding your life the way YOU want it, center your happiness and what you deserve....and your future will be brighter!
Men with Narcissistic traits do not want you to call them out on their lies and bull**** and di no want you to stand up for yourself. They don't like if you have exposed them for what they are. They will turn the tables around on you highlighting your faults to hide their own weaknesses.
Please read about this sickness and get out as silently as possible. Do not try to take revenge on him because he would make it more worst. So spend as little as you can to get out of this relationship and lead a narc free life. You will never regret it.
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