Have filed for divorce. Left 18months ago. Ex is stonewalling every single matter. Like everything. To the point of him saying I should pay him for my half of the matrimonial home he’s still living in.
How does the law allow someone to still abuse another through this process??
Is there not a way to show the courts the abuse is still continuing? By means of financial abuse? Emotional abuse? Control? Manipulation?
I do not know if it helps you and even I was confused to think if I need to divorce my Narcissist husband or not as I am scared how things would change
Things couldnt get any worse than they were. I left. And am far better for it. Wont lie. **** hard. **** scary. But. I know i no longer have to endure the day to day bs i had been under. I still dont know if i’ll ever truly be free. But not being physically near him is a good first step