I went on a date. My first date in 25yrs. Met him through dating app specifically to protect women. Date seemed to go ok. He talked the entire time so I learned alot about him. We continued to text the next few weeks. He suddenly sent me a full nude photo of himself. And then a close up dic pic. I told him I was confused and what lead to this. He said he needed a rain check to meet last sunday and tomorrow. Then suddenly ended the char. I reported him in the app.
But am I a magnet for abusive men?
My marriage was 25yrs of psychological, emotional, financial — coercive abuse.
This “date” stuff has left me completely rattled. Thank god he doesnt know where I live or any contact info so I am safe.
I am obviously not ready to date. But are all men like this? I have never been so triggered as i ended up with a massive panic attack this afternoon.
Is this what I have to expect in the dating world and from men. This guy was in the british army for 25yrs. Wtf. He’s 53yrs old. Seems like childish behavior.
Wow I don't know what to say to that, except be careful one tip to know is when guys have a spotty work life and no hobbies that have to much free time an sit around with nothing except stuff like this to excite them
I completely understand how you are feeling.
It seems like all the single men over 40 are walking red flags. I’m 37 and feel like I will never find a decent man to spend my life with
It’s not your fault or anything you did. I’m beginning to think most men are this way. Don’t know where the good ones are. My husband of 20+ years left me for a scam girl & is now living with someone completely different. It’s so confusing and it’s been over a year since he’s left. I’m in the stage of remember only who I thought he was before. I am trapped in those memories wondering if or when I could’ve stopped him and got couples therapy. Don’t truly think it would’ve helped. Trying to do this DIY divorce but I’m so busy trying to keep my two teens happy. I get angry and cry a lot. Just wish things would be better and prayers don’t seem to help. I’m at a loss. I feel lost. Like I’ve lost who I am. It’s only natural to want to couple up and have someone who’s there for you. Idk I think monogamous romantic love where two people really care for one another is elusive. I wish I could believe differently but I don’t. I’m older and it’s difficult to accept that I’m not going to trust like I use to and that no one will ever be there for me for the long run.
I would say it's not that you especially attract these sleazy men, it's just that there are a lot of them out there percentage-wise, and not a lot of the decent kind!
Also, I've read that men today in general seem to think they have a lot more women to choose from, that women met online are somewhat disposable - the flick right mentality makes it seem like they shopping for women in a catalogue.
So they take stupid chances they wouldn't usually take, because they figure if you don't respond, there will be someone else who will. And there's no repercussions for them - they won't be running into you at work or around the neighbourhood later.
It's sad, but it seems to be the case for most men online. Respect for women is not a priority for them - and with no consequences for bad behaviour, they just let loose.