Facing a divorce and I’m so angry. I regret even marrying him. I was way too trusting. We have 2 teens and no house. He left for one person & is now with another. I’ve tried to only text but he’ll only talk to me by phone. I don’t get upset because he’s so narcissistic & even has his mistress next to him when he calls. Anyone else dealt with a narcissistic husband and trying to keep their cool? He’s not paying any support but showers the kids with gifts. They also keep secrets together so I worry all the time what’s gonna come up next. I’m trying not to go with a lawyer because I just want it over. It’s like a very disturbing surreal nightmare type experience I never expected and I’m 56 so life feels sad.
I think you definitely need a lawyer. You need to protect yourself, your children and your assets. I wouldn't expect to get a fair settlement otherwise.
Don't play his games, just because he wants to "only talk by phone" doesn't mean you have to "follow his rules!" You make the choices that are best for you and stick to them!
I'm also 56 and have been divorced for six years. It was hard at first, I was very angry, but it gets better.
I'm 55, will have to start the process soon. I will be trying a divorce financial analyst tomorrow, I'll let you know how that goes. I was told a little bit of divorce planning might be helpful.
Each situation is different, with that being said, anger, denial, acceptance. I am at acceptance and going to start the road, but its a long road. I'm grateful for finding this forum.
I've found walks and getting away from the household helps. It was difficult though with kids. Maybe the three of you could go walking or outings.
Hang in there, it will get less emotionally draining. Scared and grieving at times, but know I still have life in me and I'm going to go forward.