It might help to speak with a therapist. I know it must be scary that your husband is a lawyer so also share your thoughts with your lawyer. Have they had this come up before with one spouse being a lawyer? You need emotional support - therapist AND knowledge - lawyer
He is a well no criminal trial attorney. Getting ready to either do mediation or go to court, of course at the same court house that he's been working for 20 years. He's refusing to pay any support of any kind at this point. He will not communicate with me. We have a house that he changed the locks on, has all my stuff there including my daughter who passed away last October her pictures, things from her funeral etc. He's been a nightmare
1st off, you did it. Feel your strength!
2nd, I understand. Mine is the same way. We are not as far along in the process as you are, but my ex is a narc and blames me for everything too. I’m terrified to be in the same room and have him dominate the conversation and win them over. He will paint himself as the victim, talk over me, and then I get flustered and lose my train of thought. I have to write notes sometimes so I remember to say certain things. It’s so hard! I am so sorry you are going through this. You’re doing great. I am so happy you have support and they see right through him.