Hi, IAM from India and I recently got a divorce Dec2023. I feel I was the one to blame for our marriage to not work out. We knew each other from our Masters. He was my first boyfriend and later my husband. Our initial years of live-in relationship was fine. But the moment we got married (just a year before getting married) things were not so good anymore. We were together for almost 8 years before we got married. He was always more dedicated towards his family than he was to me. To him my dreams and aspirations were always a point to fight about. Anyways my story is really complex or maybe I am just making it up more complex like he always said. But just a short summary is that because ours was a love marriage I didn't always have anyone to share my sorrows and disappointment with my family. I it discussed it a stranger whom I met at conference. That led to a string of conversations which once was not exactly decent from his stranger side. But I never intended for anything apart from a place/someone I can just let out. But my husband read those msgs and claimed I was having an extramarital affair. End of story he wanted a divorce and forced me to give him or else he will do an criminal case against me for mental harassment. So all my begging him to listen to me praying him telling him that I didn't have an affair fell on deaf ears. I gave him the divorce and came here to America to continue my studies. But I can't help but think about him. I miss him every day I miss us. I miss all the good and bad times we had. But does he? I wish he cried for me like the way I do almost every night.
Here I am in America totally alone, scared and depressed.
So, I understand what it means to be lonely.