Ginger's Forum

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Hi Everyone

Sorry, I haven't been on much. I'm so busy teaching right now, but I miss not getting over here, so will keep trying to do better. I'm not teaching too much at home now, but mostly at our local community college. It's part time, but well, you know how that usually goes! I have around 18 private students at the college, and also I'm now teaching a piano class which has 11 students in it. Teaching piano to 11 students at one time is quite a challenge for me! Anyway, I'll try to do better here.

Billie, my stepmom, had surgery about a month ago, and Dad has been helping with her plus at about the same time his old computer just totally went on the blink. ATT is supposed to come out one day this week and set him up on HIGH SPEED (finally!). Also, he has a brand new laptop to learn how to use. I think he will love it when he gets used to it.

Love to all..


Re: Hi Everyone

Hi Ginger I hope Billie is on the mend and doing well, and I long to hear from your dad and set him some J.W questions...Duke.

Where are you from? Derbyshire, England

Re: Hi Everyone

High Duke, dad is getting used to his new laptop AND high speed internet. Billie is doing much better, thank you, and he should be able to find his way back to the forum soon! Thanks..