Do you believe in Reincarnation?

One vote per visitor, please

Do you believe in reincarnation?
Firmly convinced
Consider it highly likely
Consider it possible
Consider it unlikely
Consider it highly unlikely
Firmly convinced it is not true
Don't care about it

Have you personally heard a child speak of a past life?
I have personally heard a child speak of a past life in unmistakable terms.
I know someone else who has heard a child speak of a past life in unmistakable terms.
I have personally heard a child speak of what may have been a past life.
I know someone who has heard a child speak of what may have been a past life.
I have personally heard a child speak of a past life, and there was evidence to substantiate it.
I know of someone who heard a child speak of a past life, and there was evidence to substantiate it.
I have personally heard a child speak in a (real) language he had no normal way of knowing.
I know someone who has heard a child speak in a (real) language he had no normal way of knowing.

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