Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
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I can't shake the emotional scars of his words any longer...
Even after 8 months and 87 pounds down.taking the summer off work and 8 full months of an amazing relationship. I made the decision to walk away from a very controlling marriage we have 2 children together and after 16 years of what I thought was my only life at the...
Views: 233   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 29, 2019 10:51pm
by Crystal
Traumatic relationship = Paralyzed Divorce Process
It's been Almost 5 years since I have been separated from my husband. I have seen him twice in person since then and it didn't change anything. He's claiming he still wants me back, and I positively know that I will not consider it. I lived with him for about 8 years...
Views: 124   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 28, 2019 3:41pm
by sarahj
Child support and custody
Me and my daughters dad have been separated since July 2016 we were never married my daughter is now 5 going on 6 and he has not help me with her the entire time we have been separated. He sees her once in a while the most is 2 times a week for about 3 to 4 hours and...
Views: 108   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 27, 2019 9:48am
by Marie
15 yr old daughter refuses to return to her father's home, I'm being charged with contempt by him
My divorce was final almost 5 years ago. We have a 15 yr old daughter who has remained strong but recently took a hard stance with her father who she claims disregards her wishes related to visitation. About a month ago she got into a fight with him because he wouldn...
Views: 207   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 26, 2019 8:02am
by Lara
Divorcing after 37 years
Not sure what to say. I've been married for 37 years. Im 56 now..and all alone and broke. I feel like I threw my whole life aw away. I really need help coping....thx
Views: 368   Replies: 7
Last Post: Aug 26, 2019 7:52am
by Lara
Seperated for years and ex is still trying make me homeless
Weve veen seperated for 9 years, cant afford legal fees to proceed. Im living in the house we purchased and he is living in his own home. He pays no child support. And he is trying to evict me from my home. What can i do?
Views: 163   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 26, 2019 7:31am
by Lara
My partner an o have been together 4 years we have 2 kids but when we met he was seperated so met me and got divorce rolling 4 years later were still here hes not divorced keeps telling me its nearly here said coz he has business with her he needs to buy her out does...
Views: 137   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 26, 2019 7:10am
by Lara
Feeling you are not worth it
I have gone through two divorces and pretty close to one another. The first husband was gay and he never had an intimate relationship with me. The second one was someone I went to college with and I thought I knew him I truly did and we married and then he left me fo...
Views: 178   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 21, 2019 10:53pm
by Maria
Sports and Care Schedule
I have a son(10) and daughter(7) whom I have shared custody with my ex-husband. We have had the same care schedule for the last several years and only switch a day here-or-there as needed. Kids are with me Monday & Tuesday, with their dad on Wednesday & Thursday and...
Views: 116   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 21, 2019 7:27am
by suemomof3
The rollercoaster
I feel like my whole world is crumbling. One moment it’s all there and making sense and then the next it’s all gone. The feeling of not being heard, not being good enough. Having to up and move everything that you’ve known to start over. I don’...
Views: 246   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 20, 2019 11:59pm
by Tigerbelle
So Much Loss. Adult Children of Divorce
My childhood was filled with love, vacations and rich family traditions. The loss of those traditions is what makes all of this so painful for me. I had never seen my parents argue, they held hands everywhere we went. Their love was life for me and my sister. The...
Views: 219   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 20, 2019 9:38pm
by cindy
It feels like the end of the world
My husband of 4 years told me 2 weeks ago that he loves me but he wanted out of our marriage. He said that he was tired of us fighting and that he was tired of doing everything around the house and feeling unappreciated. He called me lazy and said that he is tired of...
Views: 239   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 20, 2019 9:32pm
by cindy
I’m the one that/is screwed up
My husband and I have been married for 13 years, and about 6 years ago I had an affair. He found out and we went through the mud but came out on top. Then, a couple of years later we both started not putting the time into each other. So, I did it again about 10 month...
Views: 244   Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 19, 2019 4:37pm
by JaySmidge
Heartbroken and confused
My husband and I have been together for 34-years and happily married for 32. We have one grown child and grandchildren who live in another state. About 2-years ago I began noticing a change in him, anger issues, unexplained staying later at work and other things that...
Views: 288   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 18, 2019 3:23pm
by LH
Painful secret divorce No explanation
Hi I have been with my spouse for 20 years married 17. Al the while he was loving me He was preparing to leave by leasing luxury condo,all new furnishings (high end) and just walked out under my blinded eye with no explanation. I am on disability. He comes from $$$$...
Views: 181   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 18, 2019 12:24pm
by Pam
I want a divorice for sure but im so confused by my husband.he's like a jeckel and hyde...nice to my face but calls me a ******* ***** behind my back..(been recording)he wont work and takes $700 to $1000 of my money every month for his spending money expects me to bu...
Views: 127   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 18, 2019 11:56am
by Nancy
Pretty sure it's over
I have been married to my partner for 8 years next month. Last summer we had a fight where she used the d word and ever since I've had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach even though things seem to get better. We're each going to separate counseling and ju...
Views: 179   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 17, 2019 7:20am
by Bec
How to deal with husbands ex wife wont move on
My husband of 4 years ex wife immigrated for over a year ago and I thought that would be the end of that. They have a 26 year old and a 23 year old . I try to be understanding but they just cant seem to cut ties. I'm.struggling to understand why they keep on contact...
Views: 156   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 17, 2019 7:15am
by Suem
6 years after divorce should I still feel this way?
Is this the right group of been divorced years and all the hurt that happened mainly the things the other woman did . I dont struggle often but from time to time it eats away at me.
Views: 182   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 16, 2019 4:22pm
by Suem
Hi, I had been married for almost 13 years and, almost two months ago, my husband went out with his work friends to a party. During that night he didn't answer my calls or messages. He didn't even answer the call from our kids that were trying to say goodnight. I e...
Views: 248   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2019 11:56am
by Pam
How do you find the strength to walk away?
Where does the strength to walk away come from when you know that you will be letting your children down? My husband has a chronic illness (which is likely to get worse in 5 years or so) however he is mean and does not interact with me. In fact he has always be dista...
Views: 211   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2019 8:24am
by Sherry
Lisa s
Not sure about breaking up
Married 23 years to what once my best friend but now I’m a care taker imotionally
Views: 213   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2019 8:06am
by Tundra Trish
When to file amended custody paperwork?
My kid's dad for the last 8 years hasn't had a stable place to live. He recently broken up with his off again off again girlfriend of 5 years and moved into a studio apartment. After moving out of his past gielfriend's house in June, he now has a new girlfriend as of...
Views: 121   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2019 10:16pm
by Stacie
Order doesn’t clarify details
So dad has primary physical custody. Mom and dad have joint legal custody. There is no time set on the order, only that it’s friday-Sunday supervised at grandmas house. Mom will not help with any transportation. Does dad have to be the one to continue to drop o...
Views: 119   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2019 3:21pm
by Lauren Febres
Property in my dads Trust may be considered community property?
I moved into my parents home after they moved out in 1997. My husband also moved in, we married in 2001 but he also moved out 4 years later. (Too difficult for him to cheat living with me). We remained married and spent large amounts of time together. My husband purc...
Views: 173   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2019 8:00am
by Lara
Chronic illness and can’t work
Husband married me knowing I have a chronic illness and cannot work. We agreed to live in my home with my kids until they left for college. I supported us in my home while we renovated his lake house which is in his name only which we planned to move into and live in...
Views: 152   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 10, 2019 7:58am
by Lara
So I'll start by letting you know that I am 57yrs old have 2 adult children and still live with my husband of 34 yrs but have not had a relationship with him for at least 5 yrs. We both know that we need a divorce but neither of us have taken 1st step in that directi...
Views: 153   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2019 7:27am
by Lara
Do I have to give an itemized list of childcare and expenses to ex if asked for child support
I am currently getting a divorce, and have 2 children. I have been awarded some child support he finds unfair as I make more than he does; however it is a fair number I feel not too much but enough to help. He has asked me to provide a list of childcare expenses for...
Views: 119   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 8, 2019 1:51pm
by Ready for next C...
Divorce finalized but still waiting on ruling on custody, Etc..
My divorce is finalized 2weeks ago but we are still waiting on judge to make ruling/decision on custody, settlement on the house to see who get it…etc. I'm not getting child support from this so It’s driving me crazy waiting, don’t know why it would...
Views: 146   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 8, 2019 12:06pm
by DD
Advice about 13 yr old wanting to live with dad
Ex and I've been separated since 13. Divorce was finalized in 14. I have custody of our two boys and he gets the kids two weekends a month and four weeks out of the summer. I've had to go through Family Division of support to get him to pay child support and he owes...
Views: 160   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 6:35pm
by Gina
To broke to stay where I'm at, but can I move before a divorce is final?
Ok so long story short I live in a TINY town. Last year I was forced to leave my job due to being sexually harrased. Because of the rural nature of where we live literally the only job I could find was a part time, ok wage (but not enough to support myself as a singl...
Views: 169   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 6:28pm
by Gina
Divorce after 1 year
I want a divorce, but he continues to emotionally suck me back in. I feel like a stupid foolish woman. I want to get my life and identity back. I have married a monster. My prince charming turned into a toad from the very weekend I wed him. I have dealt with physical...
Views: 229   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 6:20pm
by Gina
Am I entitled to part of my husband’s shares if he contributed marital assets
My soon to be ex husband was given shares to a family LLC. We were married 10 years before the LLC was established. My husband put in $25k into the LLC. All proceeds from the LLC were put into a joint account in which bills were paid and items bought all for the our...
Views: 176   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 6:12pm
by Gina
Ramblings of a Divorcee
Ramblings of a Divorcee: Ramblings, because I am not a writer and tend to speak in a stream of conscious, disjointed, tangential ADD kind of way. Divorcee, because after 16 years of marriage (age 21-37) I have now been divorced for 5 years. I am writing this becaus...
Views: 218   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 6:01pm
by Sara
I always feel like its the beginning again and im dying inside
I have been divorced for 4 years. We have a great relationship. He had a girlfriend and they just told me that after 9 months of dating they are 6 months pregnant. They are 40. Im dying inside over this. I cant move on and i cannot deal with the fact that he is. Why...
Views: 177   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 5:24pm
by Nancy Paul-King
How do I get away from him?
I have been married for 10 years. I have been abused for 9 of those 10. I am trying to get away from my husband with my children but I am a SAHM. I wanted to know if you guys had any tips for how I can get away WITHOUT being k-lled. Do you guys know where I can maybe...
Views: 162   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 7, 2019 5:16pm
by Alyssa
Saving marriage ???
My councelor said to not contact my husband for 2 weeks and try and get a job give him time to miss me. We have been separated for 5 months. Any thoughts? Has anyone tried this? Its so hard and I am hurt does anyone have any suggestions?
Views: 214   Replies: 9
Last Post: Aug 5, 2019 9:12pm
by Curt
average cost of divorce
Hi girls. I was looking for about average cost of divorce and found this article. I'm wondering, is it all true? 'cause looks like there's several ways for divorce. can somebody help me? thanks a lot! https://averagecostofdivorce.com/what-is-the-average-cost-of-di...
Views: 274   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 5, 2019 2:21am
by Debra C. Banks
Re: Life After Gray Divorce
A gray divorce is when older couples who have been married for a long period of time decide to end their marriage. Would anyone like to share what challenges or problems she is facing after having gone through a gray divorce?
Views: 342   Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 3, 2019 9:12pm
by Donna
International Divorce
Hi, Anyone have any experience in a divorce with two continents involved? It seems so big and scary to restart my life, go back to my "home country", and I'm feeling really overwhelmed by it. How do I break this down step by step and face it? I'm hurt and upset...
Views: 112   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 3, 2019 3:33pm
by Kelly hutchison
Why did I waste two years of my life
I’m hurt by the way that I was abused by my husband. He denies everything and instead says that I abused him. I never even abused him. I always loved him and respected him. I always treated him right. I always respected his family and parents. He is the one tha...
Views: 163   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 3, 2019 12:47pm
by APearl
Do you agree that this is cheating and how can I make myself divorce my husband?
I've been married for almost 30 yrs now and I'm still very much in love with my husband but years ago I was looking through our browser history and saw that he had signed up on one of those cheating websites and it about killed me. He denied it like an idiot but fina...
Views: 239   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 2, 2019 10:11pm
by Bobby5000
Sad that lawyer I chose fell through
After months of interviewing lawyers, I finally decided on one Last week, only to realize yesterday my choice was not a Match after all. My energy level is low and I have to psych myself to resume The process tomorrow. None of my current friends can relate to w...
Views: 122   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 2, 2019 10:07pm
by Bobby5000
Feeling overwhelmed
My husband told me over a text that he wasn’t happy in our marriage of 25 years. A week later he sends me another text saying he wants something different for a while. 😐I told him he could have something different, it’s called a divorce. I’m feel...
Views: 229   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 30, 2019 7:01pm
by Candace
Regretting the Night
It is almost 9:00 pm and I am know that I am not going to get much sleep tonight. Sadly, I barely slept last night and the night before. Two or three days ago, my husband decided that he would no longer share a bedroom with me. His decisions are often made without ha...
Views: 155   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 29, 2019 9:26pm
by Cinnamon50
What to do, what is the intent
I am so confused and need some advice here and I think it needs to start with the back story, here we go. Last June my wife of 16 years told me she needed space. We had been together for a total of 20 years, we had 3 kids together and she was a stay at home mom fo...
Views: 158   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 29, 2019 4:09pm
by Nut_meg
I am searching about divorce women
I am 17 years old live in Algeria I studying in 3 grade high school I am ready to married with Europe women
Views: 109   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 29, 2019 2:33am
by Mahmoud Touahri
Husband messaging child
I just left my husband who is very controlling. I blocked him on all social media and texting and now he's messaging our teen daughter asking where we are staying etc. How do I handle this?
Views: 113   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 27, 2019 7:53pm
by Myra
Mutual agreement to separate but complex situation
Hello My husband and I have been married 8 years and have a 2 year old. We have been unhappy since the day we got married honestly. I think we both played a role in the breakdown or our relationship however I do believe his lack of affection and emotion was the ulti...
Views: 152   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 27, 2019 6:51pm
by Emma
Medical expenses
I am responsible for paying 36% of my daughters out of pocket medical expenses. My ex carries the plan. My daughter broke her arm and ex informs me he has a $7000 deductible which has been met and wants my 36%. There are 3 people covered on his plan. Should I have to...
Views: 122   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 26, 2019 9:03pm
by Holley
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42