Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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When on trial in a divorce case, i hesitated with the word irretrievable. Our judge couldnt find our marriage irretrievable. So she would give me 2 to 3 weeks to contest if i still want to proceedmoving forward. It is on record.She gave a ruling in four days,it state...
Views: 120   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 8, 2018 12:44pm
by Kj
Divorced after 30 years of marriage
Yesterday I got my final decree of divorce. When I saw it in my email my heart skipped a beat and emotions that I did not expect came up on me. After 30 years of marriage I am now single and I don't know what to do with that. I'm so used to having a companion. I'm on...
Views: 318   Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 5, 2018 8:30pm
by CB
Old wedding photos
What do you do with old wedding photos after divorce? Here is an interesting blog post about it but I wondered what others do. https://emotionalpackrat.blogspot.com
Views: 281   Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 5, 2018 6:10am
by Theresa
Retired before marriage, spouse wants everything
10 yr Florida marriage, bought home with premarital funds, pay mortgage etc. Spouse lives in home and refuses to help financially. spouse makes 35000.00/yr. my premarital retirement is about 60000.00/yr. Spouse wants house, and alimony.
Views: 168   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 3:58pm
by E
He wont leave
Hi there, Need some advice quickly.I have recently decided to divorce my husband for a multitude of reasons and I have clearly expressed to him that I would like for him to leave our home. We have no children together but i have 3 kids in the home. We had just purcha...
Views: 175   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 1:29pm
by E
Can i get a annulment if i felt pressure and unsure about the marriage?
Views: 147   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 12:36pm
by looking for hope...
How long do i have to keep his things
Views: 125   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 9:50am
by E
Husband signed notary stamped letter to give me house and to still pay half of house payment til pai
After finding out my husband was cheating with a woman in another state having a text relationship. I asked my husband to leave and to divorce. My husband wrote up a letter and had it notary stamped that he gave me the house, and would pay half the house payment t...
Views: 137   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 9:33am
by E
Rights to home?
My husband is not on the land, and is willing to be taken off the mortgage. Once this happens, what rights does he still have to it? We are not divorced yet. Could he still get half? Or the interest amount? Equity?
Views: 179   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 8:56am
by TG
Questions about the process
Is it normal for a lawyer to approve an extension of an interrogatory request that came at the 11th hour without consulting the client? I have reason to believe it was never started. Is it not standard to ask for the reason for the extension? I was advised it was com...
Views: 180   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 4:15am
by E
Divorce Advise (Nevada) wanted
I am going through a divorce after a 28 year marriage. My ex had a PI out on me, put a GPS in my car and had had numerous affairs I am NOT able to prove, though he was caught. I did not thing to take pictures or save proof at the time. He is creating a narrative that...
Views: 152   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 4, 2018 3:54am
by E
Broken Heart
My husband and I have been together for 20 years. We've had major ups and downs. I want to work on the married and have my whole heart into it despite the past issues. He recently told me he no longer wants to be with me because, I'm selfish, don't appreciate him, no...
Views: 254   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 3, 2018 12:25pm
by Chary Swarthout
Do I have any rights?
Hello, I have been married almost 2 years here California. My husband is an alchohlic and I can't live like this anymore.He is verbally abusive and financially controlling. I am currently unemployed but actively seeking work. He (husband) kicked me out of the house...
Views: 149   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 31, 2018 5:36am
by Lara
Child support if custodial parent income is higher
Hi; I was wondering if anyone knew what effect a higher income would do to child support payments. iF the custodial parents income goes up. I’m the mother of 2, and my income is set to be a lot higher than my soon to be ex husbands. Thanks
Views: 158   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 30, 2018 12:55am
by Carol
Starting separation process
I feel so alone and broken I'm 28 been with my spouse for 12 years and married for 2 years no children's. I've been dealing with his infidelity issue for years now and can't take it any longer. I want to get a divorce but feel so lost. I know I'm fed up and being sin...
Views: 285   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 28, 2018 6:37pm
by Chrissy
Feeling numb
In the initial first steps of a divorce. He wants to take my son for full custody so he doesn't have to pay. Married for almost 10 years he cheated on me with someone at work
Views: 199   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 28, 2018 6:28pm
by Chrissy
36 years and my marriage is over
I finally have realize that it's really over. In 2009 my husband was laid off, I think he went into a depression. He was drunk each and every night on the floor, unable to walk, he would not be able to go to the bathroom. I helped him up, hid from him at times when h...
Views: 282   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 27, 2018 10:59pm
by E
terrible situation.. need help and advice.
So the situation is the ex n i were never married nor live together but it started about when we got pregnant n first found out and this was my first child found out the ex got his ex gf pregnant as well while we were in a relationship. through out that whole time he...
Views: 314   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 27, 2018 9:10pm
by elle
Non payment child support and alimony in NJ (Probation Department)
Anyone in NJ have experience with a non paying spouse? My ex is about 8 weeks late on alimony and child support. I expected this kind of behavior, that's why I had payments go through the Probation department. Thing is, the ex lost his job a few months pack for ca...
Views: 125   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 27, 2018 3:51pm
by Lara
Rights after mortgage has been taken care of
My husband and I are getting divorced. He is not on the land of the home, he is only on the mortgage, and has agreed to be removed from it. Once this is done, what rights does he have as far as items in the home? Is there a way to say we're done, you can't come back...
Views: 137   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 27, 2018 5:36am
by Lara
Things are getting messy
My ex and I were never marry and have a 18month old . We have a great schedule and have no court **** and works great , well he want to move to a town a hour away and I understand why abut now we are running into a problem with school and daycare if he does . We are...
Views: 198   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 25, 2018 6:02am
by Lara
Divorce after being cheated on.
Ladies, we need to start protecting ourselves as soon as we say "I Do". We think when we both say "Until to us part" it really will be exactly that. Well unfortunately only one of us took that seriously. I was married for 19 years before I found out my husband, who c...
Views: 161   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 22, 2018 5:48pm
by Diane Pontoni
Finding balance again
I have been separated from my husband since Dec. 3rd. Still so fresh. I have days of clarity where I am sure I am on the right path. That we are doing the right thing. Other days I can hardly breathe for the pain of being alone again after all this time. We were...
Views: 177   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 22, 2018 4:56am
by Lara
help need advice
I have been married 7 years. My husband was fired from his job a few years ago then found a job when we bought our house. He started drinking he says because I was making him work full time and the house is too much work. He would spend money for his toys. He sai...
Views: 189   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 21, 2018 4:56pm
by Cathy
Decided to Divorce
My husband has hurt me in so many ways. He has been physically abusive in the past, verbally abusive (telling me he hates me and never wants to speak to me again), cheated on me (which I just found out a month ago), and a disappointing, disinterested father to our s...
Views: 253   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 21, 2018 4:02pm
by Lonely Heart
Depression and Divorce
Having trouble getting out of my depression following my separation
Views: 269   Replies: 7
Last Post: Jan 19, 2018 4:10am
by Lara
Overwhelmed by family issues
My husband just kicked me out because I relapsed and got a dui. Yes, I know it was stupid, and I'm kicking myself over it, but the marriage was already in turmoil from his constant emotional abuse and on its way downhill anyways. Anyways, my husband and two boys (...
Views: 161   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 19, 2018 4:07am
by Lara
I am separated from my husband for 2 yrs now. He has moved on with his like in all ways. we barely speak much at all. He was my best friend and I miss him so much. We were together for 17 years. then he up and left without me knowing how unhappy he was in our marriag...
Views: 218   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 17, 2018 8:14am
by j
divorce w/ no kids, in FL
My husband and I are about to file. No kids, just 2 dogs, 2 Harley’s, a Wrangler and a Santa Fé. No car payments on any of that, and we rent, so no house or anything. I just moved out, he wants to pay half my rent at my new place, half the dog vet bills, a...
Views: 148   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 17, 2018 3:50am
by Lara
I have been separated from my husband for almost 2 yrs which I felt I was blindsided by him. I am still very hurt after giving myself to him for a total of 17 yrs. We have a 6yr old as well. After he left he moved in with his now gf who he refuses to claim 3 weeks af...
Views: 388   Replies: 11
Last Post: Jan 16, 2018 4:51am
by RSCoach
27 year marriage ends
My husband recently asked for a divorce, he said there Wasn’t another women I knew he was lying. Turns Out he is love with a 26 year old he met on the internet And is planning his wedding already. It’s a scam Some women’s photo were stolen of...
Views: 412   Replies: 11
Last Post: Jan 14, 2018 3:30pm
by Linda
Help. I have been married for almost 7 years. My husband has now been fired for the 2nd time and drained us financially with his spending. He also drinks. I asked him to leave the house 8 months ago which has been nice. I spoke to an attorney about divorce and w...
Views: 157   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 14, 2018 11:43am
by Lara
Life After Divorce
What was your greatest challenge as a newly divorced woman after your divorce was finalized? What resources do you wish were available to help you?
Views: 269   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 12, 2018 10:56am
by Joyce
My husband of almost 10 yrs abandoned me with no indication whatsoever that he was unhappy in our marriage. On Tuesday he left for a work training, kissed me & then sent a text telling me he loved me & couldn't wait to see me the next evening. On Wednesday morning I...
Views: 227   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 12, 2018 4:44am
by Lara
Lonely in a marriage
Hello, I have been with my husband since the age of 14 we have two beautiful children together. It has now been 12 years together and things use to be great. For the past 2 years now things have been very bad, he's very abusive mentally and disrespects me in front of...
Views: 231   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 11, 2018 11:40am
by Cathy
Support group in Delaware
Hi . I am looking for a support group in Delaware.....Newark/Wilmington area. If anyone knows of one I would appreciate it.
Views: 125   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 8, 2018 7:58pm
by E
File petetion but sounds fishy
After 17 yrs of being physically & mentally abused I decided to go for divorce. My first attempt was to do things amicably so I informed him my plan. We have 3 special need kids & I work in a public school part time . He refused to believe that he needs spilt assests...
Views: 176   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 7, 2018 6:19pm
by Lara
Divorced with 6 month old son
Hello, I am reaching out to anyone for some advice. About 2 1/2 months ago my husband told me that he wanted a divorce. We have a six month old son. At the time he told me he wanted a divorce he was only four months old. I am working full-time and still in school to...
Views: 107   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 7, 2018 2:36pm
by Alicia
Long Distance Divorce
Hi. My name is Amarilyn I am from Puerto Rico I been married for 23 years. This 31 of December my husband ask to end our marriage by text. Because of his work he had to move to Detroit 13 years ago. Because we own a house in Puerto Rico he ask me to stay I love him a...
Views: 151   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 7, 2018 12:22pm
by Mary
I just found this forum and I'm in need of some advice. I've been divorced for over a year. I was awarded alimony through the courts.I was married 25 years and we have one child of age.He kept the house. No equity on it (loans)as we were in debt due to his extra mart...
Views: 275   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 6, 2018 10:31pm
by Raven
Divorce after 12 year relationship
Basically I meet my husband very young like 18. I wanted and still want to spend the rest of my life with him But he says he is not in love with me anymore and wants a divorsce. His reasons are that there are things from my last he cannot deal with and makes him fee...
Views: 207   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 6, 2018 10:32am
by lifeinthrees
the 6th month without my babies
Im heartbroken. Horrid divorce with an abusive ex-husband and a family that support him. They took my babies that I've raised alone. I've never been without them. Every game, every practice, every piece of homework, every Dr visit. Every school meeting... Everythin...
Views: 133   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 6, 2018 12:04am
by Shawnte
Does my ex husband need to pay half the costs for my dad to bring him home after school
I was wondering since daycare or after school care wasn't in our divorce decree because at the time, our son was going to a school that provided transportation by bus. Our son is now 14 in a private school and there is no transportation provided to bring him home. Me...
Views: 146   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 5, 2018 12:39pm
by Amy
Hit me like a truck
On Wednesday evening, my husband said he wasn't happy and wanted out. We've had a difficult marriage (17 years/no kids). Derron is not a skilled communicator and I'm highly emotional. But I love him with all my heart. I've threatened divorce before because he's so fr...
Views: 305   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jan 5, 2018 4:29am
by Angel
Getting remarried after a 30 year marriage
I got divorced after 30 years. Loved my life up to the last 5 years. We tried to keep it together, but, we just decided life is not worth being unhappy. I was so lost, and I got together with a guy, moved out of state away from my friends and family. I married hi...
Views: 199   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 3, 2018 7:59pm
by Sue
Can he take away a gift he never signed OVER
My boyfriend bought me a traveling trailer cause I found out he was cheating on me to shut me up and not leave him..I lived in it for almost a year .during this time he has gone and come into my life. When he leaves he threatens me he's going to take it away. Then s...
Views: 160   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jan 3, 2018 5:37am
by Lara
Views: 96   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 30, 2017 11:15pm
It was for the better so why can’t I move on?
To start from the beginning, part of me knew that marrying my, now ex-husband was a bad idea because I went into a severe depression right after. The other part of me was hopeful that, after some of the rough times that we’d had before marriage, he was finally...
Views: 373   Replies: 5
Last Post: Dec 26, 2017 12:05am
by E
Husband and I had a major argument in Nov....he has hardly spoken to me since,no hugs,NOTHING.....at that time,he threatened divorce..the argument was over something really trivial...we have been married 10 yrs(2 nd marriage).I have done research and have found that...
Views: 188   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 25, 2017 11:42pm
by E
Sex after divorce
Would it be a bad idea to have a sexual relationship with my kids father after the papers were signed? We use to have some wild crazy sex. We don't want to be together just hook ups discreetly
Views: 252   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 22, 2017 7:47pm
by Gigi
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55