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Re: Divorce settlement conference

Good suggestions on the move. My oldest met with the counselor today. He has far more issues than this divorce (depression/anxiety) that were already beginning to surface when Jerk moved out. But of course Jerk has such a big ego he's sure it's all about him. He should see him more, talk to him more, what can he say, do. My thoughts...drop dead, we'd all be happier

Re: Divorce settlement conference

Becky, congrats that things went well at the hearing.

Lisa, SUPER idea on the move, to make it fun & involve the kids creatively.

Re: Divorce settlement conference

Thanks. I try to think like a 9 year old or a 6 year old when I am dealing with my kids. Helps

Re: Divorce settlement conference

I didn't have young minor kids when my Rat******* decided he wanted a divorce after almost 31 yrs. But I did have an aunt in NY state several yrs back that got a divorce and her youngest was still in high school. I believe the court said she and her son would reside in the house until he reached 18 and then the house would be sold and money divided between her and the ex. I'm assuming that this is not an option for you? Did your attorney try to put that in the settlement agreement? I just hate to see a woman and her children uprooted from their home at such a young age. Good Luck DEE

Re: Divorce settlement conference

Dee, after much prayer I do think it is best if we sell the home and just move on. My stbx lives very near and is still able to control simply with his presence. I don't have any family or friends nearby and feel as though I would be better off if I moved closer to my support system. The kids are still young enough that I pray they will be able to adjust and make new friends that they will have for many years to come. Just received the temporary stipulation for review yesterday. Jerk is trying to pull another fast one, so I guess it's back to the drawing board. Thanks for the reply. Try to have a merry Chrsitmas. This season truly is a blessing.

Re: Divorce settlement conference

Hi Becky..Yes, thank you I will and my 3 little grandsons make it all worth it. HE and the WIFE are going to my son's for Christmas Day. So, I'm having my brother, 89yr old mom here for a nice day with me and my 1 old pup left that just had her tail partially amputated. She's doing well and bandage will come off in 2 more weeks..I hope and pray for you and your children that you will have a peaceful and blessed Christmas, and then proceed with your decision. Most likely you're right that your children will adjust and become happy with new friends and a new home..God Bless and Merry Christmas to you and your children too..:-)