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Re: Creeping Me Out and Making Me Worry

I think we all have the "IF's" I have heard so many things bout the woman my soon to be X, is with. If I was to worry about all of them I think I would not sleep anymore. I believe you have to think, like one of my friends told me " HE IS NO LONGER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY" I know it is harsh but those words ring in my head every time I think or feel there is something wrong with him. He choose what he is getting. I am sorry if I am been too harsh.

Re: Creeping Me Out and Making Me Worry

Ladyrb, I think your attitude is a healthy one. I, too, no longer allow myself to have concern for Jerk. However, when children are involved it adds another whole dynamic. We have to make sure the children are safe and we want to protect them from unnecessary sadness-which would come if a parent (even a jerk) were injured, sick or killed. Sometimes it's a tough balancing act.

Re: Creeping Me Out and Making Me Worry

Yep, that's why I'm concerned. Of course, since we parted ways I cannot help but notice that his health has taken a nose-dive. (I blame the OW, LOL! She's a very stressful person. )

I feel that if anything were to happen to him, may all the Gods forbid, she would take full advantage and bring down the iron fist on my kids. Concerns me greatly.