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Difference in Discipline

So we are going to have mediation soon. During triage mediation he was granted supervised visitation every other weekend at his parents house. He wanted every weekend on his own but I do not trust him with our child. He spanks out of anger when he doesn't get our son to do what he wants and he is a complete stranger to me after all he has done to our family. I am asking him to seek counseling for parental skills and tools other then resorting to physical discipline. Will that hold up in court? I want to be able to trust him if he is to have our child on his own. Also, I will be requesting sole physical custody and every other weekend...do you think the judge will truly give him every weekend like he wants? I do not think it is fair that I homeschool and run the house all week long and he (my stbx) gets the weekends.

Re: Difference in Discipline

I was fortunate enough to not have the custody issue (I still hate the visitation!), so I can't answer that question for you. I know that visitation would not fly that way, however. Document, document, document. As to all he has done to you and your family, I have become a believer in phrase, "You never truly know someone until you have divorced them." How true!!! Let us know how things go with this.

Re: Difference in Discipline

@Becky....clear that up for me...did you mean visitation does not fly that way meaning every weekend or every other weekend??? I got confused in your meaning~

Re: Difference in Discipline

HA! Imagaine that..I begin to ramble and make no sense With visitation they wouldn't set it up so one parent had the children every weekend. It is set up as every other weekend. Of course each set of legal papers can include things for their own specific circumstances, but every other weekend is pretty standard.

Re: Difference in Discipline

thank you :)