Womans Divorce Forum

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my husband served me with divorce papers yesterday

I feel so broken I really thought we could work it out

Re: my husband served me with divorce papers yesterday

Julie: Sorry about this happening around the holidays. My ex served me in 2009, but there was no more love. He married me after only knowing me eleven months. He has Asperger's Autism (I didn't know this). You will get through it. I recommend talking to a Lawyer or going through mediation ASAP. I called a Lawyer as soon as I was served. My late father offered to pay for the Lawyer. Take care. I am sure the other ladies in this forum will join me in sending their sympathies.

Re: my husband served me with divorce papers yesterday

So sorry, sweetie. It'll be hard, but if it's come to that point, then there probably isn't anything more to do. I didn't really want my divorce, either, even though I was the one who filed. Sometimes, you just have to go with it. Something better will be on the horizon. Keep your chin up. Hugs.

Re: my husband served me with divorce papers yesterday

So.... What are your major plan, anyone can be of help. I can be one