Womans Divorce Forum

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Well....I think it is time to call it quits...I will always love him...but I know he doesn't love me. I feel I try to do everything for him and he doesn't appreciate it really. I cook , clean, and manage the house the best I can but he always tells me that I don't do it right. If we go out.he us always looking at someone else. One time he even flirted with a young lady 2 tables beside us using the waiter as the middleman. I was humiliated...I was left in a foot game while he left and went to the car to wait with a bunch of young girls and guys....he gives my stuff away without asking always saying she won't mind. He also throws me under the bus a lot just to humiliate me. He never tells me he loves me, he hates my family.,,,,we have 2 dogs...he's always saying she MY dog,,,,
Well....poor poor pitiful me....do you think it's time

Re: Divorce

PJ: I think it's time for a divorce. Your husband sounds very abusive and disrespectful. Time to meet with a Lawyer.

Re: Divorce

Yes I'm afraid so.