Womans Divorce Forum

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I have been been with my husband many years now
I have always weighed my pros and cons many times before and it always weighed much heavier on the cons side but for some stupid reason I heard on. I feel abused betrayed belittled and many more... I need out I have kids one who is fully dependent. I'm afraid I feel sick, I need help to get out of this I've come to my wits end I need advice any available.

Re: Divorce

Hi, you can do it. You are the only person that can decide to make things better for yourself. If you want to be happy, then you have to do what is best for you. Have you thought about going to speak with a therapist? A therapist may help guide you to making healthy decisions for yourself and your child. Don't be afraid. You got this! It's going to be hard but you'll push through and discover new things about yourself and you'll eventually realize that you've probably been doing a lot of things by yourself already. More than likely, your kids probably recognize that you are unhappy but don't be scared, they will support you and may even say about time, Mom.

Re: Divorce

If you are that unhappy it's an unhealthy environment for you and your children.