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Divorced with a small child, what are my rights?

I've been divorced for 5 years and my ex husband and I have a 8 year son together. My ex husband is making things difficult for me. Now that I in a new relationship and although I live with my fiancé he doesn't want my fiancé to be around our son. For example, I leave for work early in the morning and my fiancé drops my son work to school. If I'm running late from work, he has also picked him up from school as well. My ex-husband forbids this practice and has threaten to go to the courts. What are my rights? I have full custody of our son and my ex has visitation rights. Can he prohibit who drops off my son to and from school?

Re: Divorced with a small child, what are my rights?

Hello....i believe you he can not. Unless he can be or has been harmfully to your child.

Re: Divorced with a small child, what are my rights?

No, He can't...you have full custody. Tell him to stick it !