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I have been married 26 years and one day out of the blue my husband moved out and sent me an email stating he wasn't happy and he wanted a divorce. After a week we talked and he said he didn't want a divorce he wanted to separate. I am positive it is not another woman as I see him 4-5 times a week and he texts me around the clock. Since that time we separated 4 months ago we live in separate condos but we talk text and see each other regularly. When I ask him about getting back together he states he isn't ready and doesn't know if he wants to be married. I am so confused and very lonely for my marriage. What should I do? Wait for him or just leave? I love him so much it's hurts to think of life without him but I can't hang on in limbo forever..... I don't have anyone in my life to talk this through with so I am just very confused

Re: Separation

Shelly: It sounds like he doesn't know what he wants and is torn and finding it a difficult transition as many people would after 26 yrs. I would not be able to take this pain. My ex left after 21 yrs. of neglect (we were no longer in love). Since you say you still love him, is marriage counseling something you both could get into? After a year if there is no progress, I would move on or whenever you feel things are continuing not to go well.

Re: Separation

I know it is very, very difficult for you right now.
I don't think you should throw your marriage away. You've been together too long.
You'll have to get actively involved in church or in your community.
Live your life while your husband works out his.
He may rediscover your love. It happens. Right
now I'd give him the space he needs. Wherever he's
currently going through may pass in time. Pray.
And keep praying for him and for your marriage.
I'll pray for you as well. I know you're hurting and this
is very painful. I'm sorry you're going through this.