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Have not seen my kids in 4 years

So, my divorcee was finalized after 3 years in court with no child custody agreement. I have not seen my 5 minor children in just over 4 years. My husband has custody and refuses to let me see them and fights me every step of the way. Even though court appointed therapists have recommended I see them immediately the judge never makes s decision. I will be seeing my lawyer again, after another $10,000 just to say again, NOW WHAT ?? I just cannot believe the judicial system where a mother cannot see her kids. No abuse - verbal or physical. DYFS got involved in our family and since we didn't get a lawyer and I was uncooperative, they threw me out of the house. I've completed all court ordered therapy..etc...and still cannot see my kids..
judge Mizdol is ridiculous and never makes a decision. I don't know where to turn.