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Temporary custody

I'm with child at the moment and my fiancé and I split up. I need to know is temporary custody for him a good idea we both have children outside of our relationship but I'm a full time mother he was only able to see his children with my help but that's no longer the case. I haven't been able to work or school most part of this past year so I'm not prepared financially for the baby but my ex is working. The only reason I have not prepared myself is because I'm a full time mom to three and my eldest child is disabled and has been having trouble adapting lately so I'm just now getting him back in line with everything. My only concern is if I sign over our baby to him for temporary custody is that it may backfire on me because I haven't been able to work and I feel as the judge may ask what will I do if I need time off from work and college again to help my oldest child. Is this a good idea ? Is there something better that we can do?

Re: Temporary custody

Jennie: This is all very complicated. Have you considered adoption? Does anyone have the funds to consult with a Family Lawyer on this?

Re: Temporary custody

I'm afraid to even take it to a lawyer because the fact that it may backfire. I've thought about adoption but we don't want that we want our child we're just having relationship issues right now.