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Blind sighted

We have been having problems for a little over a year. Mainly focused on his mental health which was the cause of many issues. Anger management, depression and anxiety. He has completed his active duty service and returned home. We have gone thru a lot with him being in the military. Recently he has been aggressive and scary to the point he has hurt our dog. We took a vacation had an amazing time and then when we returned we were in great spirits and one night he woke up hysterical about it being best we divorce.he ended up kicking me out with our dog because I refused to attend a meeting with his attorney. I'm extremely concerned for his well being and feel unstable to handle these proceedings.

Re: Blind sighted

Sil: Let the Lawyer handle everything (that is what my Lawyer's attitude was), but remember, every e-mail, court time spent, phone call and face-to-face meeting they will charge you for so make sure it's important. My impression is that it could be he's asking for a divorce because he is worried he might harm you since he has already hurt the dog. I hope he is getting some help and that the dog is with you. If he is not getting help, please keep your distance from him so he does not harm you and go for full custody if you have kids with him. Sorry you are going through this. I had a couple of grandfathers involved in wars. One did well, the other did not.