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Re: imperfect family - step kids/ blended families

Jessie: I remember age 13 as being a very difficult age with my daughter. At this age they want to pick out their own clothes, etc. I remember my grandmother stopped clothes shopping for me around this time because I didn't like/wear anything she bought (and she had good taste/bought good quality stuff). Remember this: they all grow up - that is what a senior citizen once said to me. The fact this this mom sends her son to your home when it's not your husband's weekend to have him sounds like she's violating a visitation agreement if there is one in writing. Be glad he's not "a bad kid". It seems like you have been through a lot - the worst of it is your husband is giving you a hard time when it comes to the kids and this kind of talk aimed at you seems abusive. I would talk to him and/or go to counseling if you have insurance to pay for it. The single life is a very quiet and lonely life - ask yourself if you want that (maybe you would meet someone else). I have been on the sidelines quietly watching kids who weren't mine play sports. That is something you could do if he's involved in that since you said you are not "that way".