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Relocating after divorce

Ok so I was divorced in Illinois and our custody papers were done in Illinois. Fper my ex husbands verbal approval my son and I now live in Texas and have been for the last year. My ex is very controlling and does not like me to have any sort of social life with other men and continuously threatens to take my son back whenever he gets mad at me for whatever reason he decides. I am in the Process of registering the order here but my question is while we are waiting for that can be up and just make me take him back to Illinois without any sort of warning or any paperwork being filed on his end? The way I understand it is since the boy has lived here for now over six months, this is now his home state and Any changes would need to be done here. I'm terrified when the ex gets notified of the registration he will flip and demand our son back. Can he just take him away?

Re: Relocating after divorce

Jamie: You should seek help with a Family Lawyer or go back to the Lawyer you had if you had one.

Re: Relocating after divorce

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