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So confused

I recently just told my husband of 16 years to leave. Im not sure Im making the right choice. He has cheated on me twice in those years and I forgt it and swept it under the rug. He has not held a job for more than 5 years. Recently, he got a great job, something he went to school for 6years for. great money, pension, medical. He got fired 2 months later. the reason is still unknown to me. the job before some lady claimed he touched her. never proven got fired. this one, he told me he fought with a doctor, the HR lady isnt answering me if he touched a patient. so again unknown reson. I told him i couldnt take him not helping support me and my daughter. I am physically disabled. I have a chronic disease that gets worse with age and in 5 years I will be in a wheelchair. I know he has done wrong, but I also know that no man at my age wants to care for someone disabled. Do i just deal with him not having a job and shutup so I have him here to take care of me when my 14 year old graduates? We no longer have a loving relationship, havnt for a year. We dont laugh together, talk about anything except our daughter and sex is non existent. I dont know if I did the right thing, or if Im just scared because its so new and fresh in my heart. Ihave cried all day. He has told his sister he dont want to live without me but it is what it is. Im confused, hurt, lost. its like years of cheating and no job, i just couldnt take it anymore and snapped. is this seperation worth it if I'm alone and disabled? im so lost.

Re: So confused

I would consult with a divorce attorney to see what is at stake. I don't blame you for telling him to leave. It makes me wonder where he's going to live with no job.