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Broken Heart

My husband and I have been together for 20 years. We've had major ups and downs. I want to work on the married and have my whole heart into it despite the past issues. He recently told me he no longer wants to be with me because, I'm selfish, don't appreciate him, not like by people etc. Most of the things hes said I could understand how he felt that way. However, I give and fight for everyone and many people to like me. So I am assuming he was relating all of this specifically to him. But I question that because noone ever calls me. He was the person I could call to talk to. Now I feel alone, lonely, and sad.

In the past he has always asked me for another chance when I felt like we were unable to move forward. The one time I ask, he says no. However, he wants to leave or picture up, refused to sleep in the room with me and will not wear his ring until our situation is good. I feel there is hope for us but at the same token feel he has someone else. He doesnt answer my calls and will not call me out the blue.

How have you moved passed a broken heart.

Re: Broken Heart

Sorry this has happened to you. A guy like this I wouldn't want in my house. It's a loveless marriage right now. Unless you want to try marriage counseling and have insurance to cover it, I would ask him to leave if you think he has another woman, especially and I would get a consultation with a Lawyer. It takes time to move on from something like this, about two years. I was married for 21 years.

Re: Broken Heart

I feel like I could have written your post myself. I too am going through this same situation. He has told me the same things about lack of appreciation etc. I too see why he feels the way he feels; I spend all of my time with our 3 young children, taking care of the house, and working. He has told me he's just done. Won't come in the house to eat with us or anything. Sleeps in the recliner and has absolutely no interest in anything that has to do with me. Spends his time making sure if he talks to me it is to tell me what I am doing wrong or just being rude.
I am so incredibly heartbroken and lost. I have no where to go with my kids and he thinks I should just leave with nothing. I am so sorry you are going thru this also b/c I wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone. I try to do whatever I can just to get through the day only to have the next day be just as bad.