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Things are getting messy

My ex and I were never marry and have a 18month old . We have a great schedule and have no court **** and works great , well he want to move to a town a hour away and I understand why abut now we are running into a problem with school and daycare if he does . We are both good parents and do t want to take him from each other but he thinks our son should go with him for school . I know this is going to end up in court . The thing that sucks is that I am a recovery addict and I relapsed awhile back and used for about 5 months but never neglected my child and he always was taken care of . Yes it was wrong and I hate myself for it but my ex uses that against me and says he will win in court . God this sucks . If this true and what can I do .

Re: Things are getting messy

Jess: I would speak either with a Family Lawyer to see what they have to say or contact your local Bar Association to see if they have someone giving free legal advice if you cannot afford a Lawyer. Some Lawyers will give a free consultation.