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He promised to love me forever but now he wants a divorce

I am separated and my husband has moved on with his life. I am upset with myself for believing his lies. I don't want to leave my house other than to go to work. I only go to work because I have to pay my bills. I have started attending church online. I feel like I just need a hug. I feel like I cannot communicate with the opposite sex or go out because I am very venerable. All I wanted is to love someone and have that person love me back is that too much to ask. My ex recently opened the wound by coming back one day recently saying he wants to reconcile and would never divorce me the next day he wanted me to deposit my entire paycheck in his account and my name is not o the account and we live in two separate houses when I said no to depositing all my money he said he would file for divorce that day. He has not spoken to me since and I wait hurting and lonely waiting for divorce papers to arrive. What am I supposed to do now?

Re: He promised to love me forever but now he wants a divorce

Retain an attorney and realize he has moved on. That last stunt was heartless yet typical of most divorcing men who believe all the money is or should be theirs. Keep all your earned money because you are going to need it. My attorney tried to give mine away in hopes of settling and I finally was firm and said no. She's not going to pitch in for my moving expenses etc. Attorneys easily forget their firm has become a major expense and the other spouse is controlling the marital assets.
Faith is always good. This horrible experience will make you stronger if you rely on your faith. I have reached out to many in my efforts to secure accurate information and 99% have helped. My attorney once quipped at me "my law degree is worth more than your google search." I will tell her at the end that my faith had been my best counsel because it has made me stronger and I have become my best advocate.
We are all vulnerable, but prepare yourself for a smackdown. The hideous won't survive.

Re: He promised to love me forever but now he wants a divorce

CH: Get your own bank account and close all joint credit cards if you have them. Many people on this forum have had their accounts robbed by their soon-to-be-exes. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. Like the other poster said - get a Lawyer ASAP.

Re: He promised to love me forever but now he wants a divorce

You need to go ahead with your life
Let him go, don’t take him back
Unfortunately we are here asking some questions because the “ love forever “ doesn’t exist anymore ( in some fortunate couples yes)
Don’t ruin your life been depressed.
He’s using you and you will not keep him forced to be with you because you love him but for sure he doesn’t love you anymore.

So next one for your life

Good luck

Don’t cry for something doesn’t worth it and deserve