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Medical expenses

I am responsible for paying 36% of my daughters out of pocket medical expenses. My ex carries the plan. My daughter broke her arm and ex informs me he has a $7000 deductible which has been met and wants my 36%. There are 3 people covered on his plan. Should I have to pay to meet the deductible of 3 people or my percent of just a third of it... My daughter being 1 of the 3 people covered on his plan?

Re: Medical expenses

Kelly: I think this should have been in the divorce agreement. Speak with a Family Lawyer about it or the Lawyer who handled your divorce (assuming you had one). My Lawyer was going to have my ex pay for our daughter's out-of-pocket medical expenses while she was a full-time college student, but I told her he did probably wouldn't due to the military having taken care of him for years and his lack of understanding about medical insurance and lack of follow-through on it and other things (he did keep her on his insurance, but lost her insurance i.d. card and faxed it to the ER when she landed in one). She paid her own out-of-pocket bills and went to Planned Parenthood to save money in that way. No, I don't think you should have to pay the deductible for three people - doesn't seem fair - unless your income is very high.

Re: Medical expenses

You are not responsible for paying any percentage of the deductible if your daughter's claims processed after the deductible was met. If he met the deductible with claims on himself or other family members under the plan then that is 100% his responsibility. So if your daughter sees a doctor and that deductible has been met, then nothing is owed by him, her or you out of pocket. It should be paid in full by insurance or maybe just a copay remaining.

Re: Medical expenses

Add on: If the deductible has "not" been met, your daughter's claim will process through insurance and leave an amount due for patient responsibility based on what insurance would have paid in full. Only this amount is what you should be responsible for your 36%. Not a % of the full deductible on the plan. That is ridiculous if he thinks you should pay the % on the full deductible amount.