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When I first got divorced my daughter lived with me, well after about the first 8-9 months she started wanting more and more time with her dad. He remained and had a step daughter and a baby on the way, so my daughter wanted to be with him. I was emotionally a mess and so I took the easy way out and let her go on a trial basis. We agreeded to try things out for the summer but after about a month or so I got a summons that he was going to take me to court for custody. I again was a mess and I let her go. Now it is awful we have lived like this since 2014 and he doesn't work with me he tries to make it hard for me to see her. If I get any extra time with her it's because I ask her step mom, and works it out. I have asked my daughter about wanting to spend more time with me and she wants to but is afraid to ask her dad, and says she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. His forms of punishment are harsh and she gets it more than the other kids. What can I do? I want more time, I want custody back. I have been told it's almost impossible to do that, but I am not a bad mother I'm not perfect but I'm not on drugs or partying! I don't even date! What can I do please help??? Any help is appreciated.