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Difficulty starting over even when something good's happening

Hi, I was divorced in 2008, after 7 years of trying to, at age 48. I'd already given up a profession because I couldnt cope with troubles at home and work. I subsequently gave up a second profession because my life was threatened. Although I moved provinces I just couldnt get started again, with career or lifting the mood for long enough.
End of 2015, my husband and I came back together in the same hometown, it felt right, with no expectations. It was a battle because many many people were nasty and judgemental, but I survived for a while. Then all the fears, hangups and my husbands bad behaviour got worse.
I have finally found something thats already showing good financial growth, with not much effort, I even have a team to spur me on but there are certain things I can do to enhance this income and help others do the same, that I'm dragging my feet with.I tend to have low energy at home.
Let the slightest distraction come my way, boom, I reach frozen mode.
I sleep seperately from my husband because I cannot take the yoyo effect of his moods,on me, it is better for me. Our relationship is civil to say the least.
If I share this opportunity it benefits me further with the added benefit of feeling good for helping others, my investment has grown 59% to date, but I cannot go to family or the few fiends I have because I know they see me as a failure, I would like help to reach out to strangers, I can have a call on a free site on the net,with them, I can show them proof of what I'm doing, I can arrange a simulation for them based on their needs and much much more support.
Now was the first time I surfed the net to find people and came across your forum and thought who'd understand me better!!!What advise can you give me?
How do I build my self confidence at 57years old. It doesnt show to the world, quite the contrary, but I lack cofidence, oomph and a driving force, I tend to blow all thats good for me. Therapy doesnt work.

Re: Difficulty starting over even when something good's happening

Wow! On the contrary I’d say you’re a force to be reckoned with! That sounds like a lot of initiative and a lot of accomplishments to me despite a load of difficult odds. Honestly.

It may sound strange to say to someone who is writing that they are tired or lacking oomph, but I’d suggest investing a little of your time each month to volunteering. It gives huge rewards. In addition to helping others and feeling good about the time spent, you’re guaranteed to meet a slew of very nice people and find some additional meaning and purpose.

Re: Difficulty starting over even when something good's happening

Dear Mary
Thank you so much for that, it is hard to believe but great to read, very helpful.
I have helped with PEP from the tprf.org website in this town, encountered many real challenges that the organisations faced, even contacted hospice and cindy(helping children).
Strangely all said theyd get back to me. I realise this city has real issues with apathy or what I dont know, would love to help.
For now I thought, hold on with that and establish yourself to be financially on a very good footing, itll help my confidence and I realise the world operates on different principles, so to make an impact, even with volunteer work, it might be easier..
Seriously thinking of starting a food for people , need a team, this can also be supported by tprf.org but need to show a starting point.
With all due respect to all who read this, I'll take my cue from your message, Mary, and invite anyone to register for free on http://vijialuxmi.adpro.futurenet.club/
We can proceed with communication thereafter. If I can help anyone to realise even a step toward financial freedom or even petrol money, I'll be happy.
I've also commenced with working with someone for online training but that seems to be on hold. Would love to get that started.
With love

Re: Difficulty starting over even when something good's happening

Best of luck with it Vi :smiley:

Re: Difficulty starting over even when something good's happening

Thank you Mary, I read through my messages again and all seems soo easy. You wouldnt believe how it was for the past few weeks, I felt like a bundle of turmoil, every time I took a step it felt like to nowhere. Every part of me fought and struggled with the other. And then I learn that my mothers diagnosed with cancer again, seems like all the yearning to feel free inside kicked in when the news came and quietness together with me just letting go and embracing where I am at, that worked in the past too when I remembered. I know that life will lead where I need to be if I'm gentle with myself. I watch and listen to a lot as in this website: www.timelesstoday.com
I'm so full of a beautiful feeling for being able to share on this platform, knwing theres people out there who care, thank you:heart: